Nate: Oh! You're Al Capone. [looks at Ray] That's Scarface!
Ray: Yeah, I don't think he likes that nickname.
Nate: No?

You know, for a homicidal gangster, Capone was very organized, and he had exquisite penmanship.

Nate [whispering]

Ray: So, here's the plan.
Amaya: Is for us to rescue the people who got caught because of you.
Nate [points at Ray]: She's talking about you.
Ray: Nah, I think she's talking about you.
Mick: Shut up! You're supposed to be partners. Partners have each other's backs.

Amaya: Aren't you forgetting something? Nate and Ray?
Mick: Those idiots have done nothing but get in the way.
Ray: Uh, guys? We're standing right here.

Hey Malcolm, I'll take a nightmare that's real over a dream that's a lie.


Nate: Special Agent Cole Bennett?
Special Agent Bennett: Yes, and you are?
Nate: Special Agent Eliot Ness. This is my associate, Bob DeNiro.

Gideon: Special Agent Ness has suffered severe hypoxia. It will take some time to reverse his brain damage.
Nate: You can reverse brain damage? Why haven't you helped Rory out? [chuckles]
Gideon: Who says I haven't?

Merlyn was right. They took the bait.

Damien Darhk

Nate: What just happened?
Ray: Well, it's the strangest thing. Two cops just escorted Eliot Ness to the Bureau.
Nate: They're not escorting him to the Bureau! They're gonna throw him in the river!
Ray: What?
Nate: Ray, 1920 Chicago PD was the most corrupt police force in history. Almost all of them were on Capone's payroll. Did you or did you not see The Untouchables?

Nate: That's Eliot Ness.
Ray: Pfft. Doesn't look like Kevin Costner.

Hey, Skirt...Call me.


Oliver: Barry, I'm not letting you leave.
Barry: No offense, Oliver, but you and what army?
Kara: This one.
Mick: Listen, Red, I don't like you. But when you got a crew, you don't take a hit for the rest.
Barry: That was actually pretty inspiring. I mean, up until the point Mick compared us to a bunch of criminals.
Amaya: According to the Dominators? We might as well be.
Nate: And maybe they're right. Maybe we do more harm than good, but this is our chance to find out.
Cisco: We're not letting you sacrifice yourself. There's no way. I don't care if that what it means to be a hero. You're not a hero to me. You're my friend.