Kuasa and I will confront each other again. It’s inevitable. And when we do, I will stop her.


I will kill your merry band of idiots one by one, leaving you for last.


Sara: We are going to save Hollywood.
Nate: Yeah, until the Kardashians ruin it.

Nate: You’re the Professor and you’re Jax.
Sara: Must be Tuesday.

Jax: Look at my hands... they’re white.
Stein: And mine appear to be African-American.
Jax: You can just say black, Grey.

Nate: You’d think having a supercomputer would be helpful.
Gideon: Watch yourself.

Do you remember when you told me you had nothing left to teach me? But you had one final lesson; how to be a cold son of a bitch.


It's good to be back.


So much power, and you give it away so easily. A mistake you're unlikely to repeat.


Amaya: Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt, I didn't realize you were praying.
Zari: Mecca is that way, I was just looking for my earring.

As surprising as this may sound, I need the Legends' help.


Mick: Vampires, I waited my whole life to kill one.
Jax [about Mick's stake]: Do you just carry that around all the time?
Mick: My whole life.