Paula: Bill Hollister, you are running for sheriff because you are the best man for the job. Since you've taken over, this city is safer; morale is higher. You're gonna run, and you're gonna win, and your family is going to be right beside you.
Bill: I wouldn't have it any other way.
Paula: Let's do this.

I just get a bad vide off of this guy. When you're pulled over, you are supposed to be intimidated, especially if you have a fake ID and a bag full of cash. It's like he's cool with being behind bars.


It was your choice to call the Times, Bill. Live with it.


Riley: There's no more space for men like you. No untamed land. Not in this city. Not even in this county. And certainly not in this election.
Bill: I guess you've never been to Lancaster.
Riley: The world has moved on. People don't want a gunslinger in this office. They want an advocate. A winner. And you know what? They deserve one. It is MY time.

With all due respect, what you see as a personal motivation was, in actuality, a sheriff believing in one of his deputies and having the courage to fight for justice regardless of political backlash. That's why this is HIS department, and that is NOT going to change.


I don't normally say things like this, and I'm not trying to get all up on my feelings, but I'm proud of you, boot. You did good today. You're making a lot of progress.


Let me tell you something, son. You're gonna piss folks off no matter what. That's just life. It might as well be for something worth a damn. They see the good that you do. Trust me.


Joseph: Then why did you offer Johnson a deal?
Riley: Because he offered me something much more valuable.
Joseph: The white boat?
Riley: Names. Links to other cases that I've had sitting on my desk. I promise you, when this is all over, L.A. County will be a much safer place.

Well the badge stands for more than words. If we don't stand for rule of law, then who will?


Riley: The call is mine.
Bill: That's true. However, a public conflict between the Sheriff and the DA will not be any less destructive to the county than an LAPD officer for a crime he absolutely committed.

Riley: I'm a lawyer. Everything is negotiable.
Bill: Everything except the truth.

Jerry: You really think you can win.
Riley: Against Hollister, we'll see. Against you, easily.

Deputy Season 1 Quotes

This is like that Brady Bunch episodes. Do remember? When they make Greg the rock star because he fits the suit? Well, I'm Johnny Bravo. And it didn't end well.


I'm a lawman. Never took a dime. Never put my hands on somebody unless I had to. Never pulled the trigger when there was another way. You want to hunt gangsters? Human traffickers? Well, I'm your huckleberry. But you're asking me to drag families from their homes so you can eat from the federal trough. When'd you lose your way, Jerry?
