I will still be with you. In the water. In the fire. In the earth. In the air.


Together we shall save the souls of my people from Satan. Even if it means killing them all.


King James: And what is your field of expertise, my Nubian prince?
Ryan: Uh....
King James: Torture?
Ryan: Me? Paperwork mostly, your Majesty.
King James: Paper! How fascinating! We should talk.

King James: And these are your underlings?
Graham: It's a very flat team structure. We all have our area of expertise.

Savage: As King James has written in his new Bible,'Thou shall not suffer a witch to live.'
The Doctor: In the Old Testament. There's a twist in the sequel. 'Love thy neighbor.'

Doctor Who Season 11 Episode 8 Quotes

King James: And these are your underlings?
Graham: It's a very flat team structure. We all have our area of expertise.

Savage: As King James has written in his new Bible,'Thou shall not suffer a witch to live.'
The Doctor: In the Old Testament. There's a twist in the sequel. 'Love thy neighbor.'