Cliff: What about you? What are you going to do now?
Kay: I don’t know. Um, maybe get a sublet? Paint?
Cliff: That is so fucking lame! I’m serious. You’re like unstoppable now. You could be a superhero or some shit. Take over the Justice League. Pants Superman.
Kay: I don’t think that’s what we want.

Deep down, we all know it’s true. Every crisis we solved, we created in the first place. Rita’s right. Until we’re better as individuals, we’ll continue to cause harm. To the world. Each other.


Rita: You just left them?
Rouge: Yeah, just ran away. Just like the future said I would. Because I survive at all costs. That’s what I have always fucking done!
Rita: No. I refuse to accept that. As long as we’re alive, we can change. You’re a shapeshifter, for crying out loud. You of all people should know that.
Rouge: I’m a selfish coward. That seems to be the one thing I can’t shapeshift away.

Holy fuckadoodledoo. I guess we can add ‘vanquished an interdimensional time god’ to our list of achievements. To us, the Doom Patrol! Motherfuckin’ god-slayers, yeah!


Jane: All right, this is hard to explain, but it’s all of us up here now. The entire Underground, breathing, existing, all at once. I don’t feel like just Jane anymore.
Larry: Well, if you’re not just Jane, what should we call you?
Jane: There’s one word I keep hearing in the back of my mind. Our minds. Kaleidoscope. But I guess it’s kind of a mouthful.
Vic: What about ‘Kay’?
Jane: I like that.

Immortus/Isabel: Guess what? ‘Possibilities’ had an incredible thousand-year run.
Vic: Weren’t you gone for… an hour?
Immortus/Isabel: Keep up, robo-hottie. Time works a little differently in the Time Stream. Duh.

Jane: We don’t need the longevity. We have each other. When we come together as one, we can do anything.
Cliff: Jane’s giving the pep talk? That’s where we are? Which persona are you right now?
Jane: I’m all of us. I am the Kaleidoscope.
Rouge: Uh, what the hell does that mean – you’re the Kaleidoscope.
Jane: I don’t totally know. I’m working that out.

Kay: You’ve always known. Just say it.
Jane: It happened to all of us. It happened to me. I was raped by my father. The moment we were created, we could feel the memory.

Fuck it. I’m going to hell anyway. If the last thing we do before we croak is take those motherfuckers with us, it is what it is.


I’ve seen and done some nastiness in my life, but taking longevity from a dying man. That is true fuckery.


1949 Rouge: Time traveling to the Ant Farm is quite a risk to take for your friends.
Future Rouge: Well, they helped me be a better person.
1949 Rouge: And why would we need to be better?
Future Rouge: Because I have spent my entire existence trying to undo all the horrible shit that we’ve done. I know you want to believe you’re good. You want power so you can change the world. But this isn’t the way. The Bureau isn’t the way.

1949 Rouge: I’m not you.
Future Rouge: Not yet. I’m sure you believe you’re good. Because you have become a master at deception. I mean, you’ve even managed to con yourself as to your noble intentions.
1949 Rouge: That’s not true.
Future Rouge: But I know it is. Because I am working hard over here and I am still no better than you. And I know now we won’t change. Not till it’s too late.

Doom Patrol Season 4 Quotes

Rita: Not behind the bush! His ammo will cut right through.
Codpiece: Just like my milky man batter!
Rita: Could you try not to be disgusting for two seconds?

Cliff: Why do you get to pick the codenames? Because they suck.
Rita: When you spend days researching and plotting missions while getting paper cuts and inky fingers, you can choose the codenames, okay? Until then, you’re Robotman. Dr. Harrison is Crazy Jane. Larry is Negative Man. Vic is Cyborg. And Rouge, you’re Dogshit McGivens.