I’ve seen and done some nastiness in my life, but taking longevity from a dying man. That is true fuckery.


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Doom Patrol Season 4 Episode 11: "Portal Patrol"
Doom Patrol
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Doom Patrol Season 4 Episode 11 Quotes, Doom Patrol Quotes
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Doom Patrol Season 4 Episode 11 Quotes

Rouge: Who the hell is talking?
Vic: It’s Grid, my operating system. Usually, I’m the only one who can hear it, but Keeg must’ve hacked into it.
Rouge: You have a voice in your head that talks to you?
Cliff: Fuck it. That’s not even the strangest thing about him.

What’s the point of going back so Immortus can finish putting her foot up our ass, or so the Butts can take a bite out of it?
