Mroales: I guess in terms of motive, money's out.
Killian: Yeah but you'd be surprised what's valuable on the streets.

Sharpe: Lustig is going to be new financial chair of my campaign.
Suarez: So what are you saying? That I apologize to Lustig? Because the moment a guy like Lustig gets his foot on my back, it stays there.

Killian: That's a pretty scary knife.
Peanut: You seen the streets out there? They're pretty scary too.

Donna: I can't believe this is happening again.
Sandeford: What's happening again?
Donna: A few years ago, someone was killing homeless people on Pennsylvania Avenue. It took the cops forever to respond.

Regina: You know, you're making a mess.
Sean: It's required in my grandmother's recipe. It says it right here. 'Make a mess.'
Regina: As long as it also says 'clean it up afterwards.'

East New York Season 1 Episode 20 Quotes

Donna: I can't believe this is happening again.
Sandeford: What's happening again?
Donna: A few years ago, someone was killing homeless people on Pennsylvania Avenue. It took the cops forever to respond.

Regina: You know, you're making a mess.
Sean: It's required in my grandmother's recipe. It says it right here. 'Make a mess.'
Regina: As long as it also says 'clean it up afterwards.'