Regina: I'm sorry, John [that Sharpe won't consider him for PC].
Suarez: It's okay. I've made my peace with it. I'll stay right here and keep doing what we do.
Regina: As long as they let us.

Quinlan, I don't know whether you're going to survive this. There are people in this department gunning for you just like there are people gunning for me. Don't make it easy for them.


Suarez: I feel as much of an obligation as you do. I just don't drape myself in moral purpose.
Regina: The only thing I drape myself in is my uniform.

Thora: I think he was staying away from all that.
Killian: Do you believe that?
Regina: Til we have someone in handcuffs, I don't believe anybody.

Donaldson wants to be commissioner so bad he can taste it. He's going to make your officer wrong for going against housing regulations. He's going to make you wrong for putting cops in the housing projects. And he's going to make me wrong for allowing it.


East New York Season 1 Episode 21 Quotes

Thora: I think he was staying away from all that.
Killian: Do you believe that?
Regina: Til we have someone in handcuffs, I don't believe anybody.

Donaldson wants to be commissioner so bad he can taste it. He's going to make your officer wrong for going against housing regulations. He's going to make you wrong for putting cops in the housing projects. And he's going to make me wrong for allowing it.
