Joan: I'm sorry I accused you of arson.
Sherlock: Well, I was the obvious suspect.

So, your alibi is that you were oiling your chainsaw.


Griffin, you seem like an exemplary young man, so perhaps you'd like to explain to me why you have a drug lab in your backyard?


Oh, if you say it's for the greater good, I am going to punch you!


Joan: ...I forgot about the roosters...
Trent Garby: I did, too. Eventually. By moving out.

Perhaps we should encourage our local muggers to increase their activity.

Sherlock [on annoying short-term renters next door]

Elementary Season 4 Episode 13 Quotes

Joan: ...I forgot about the roosters...
Trent Garby: I did, too. Eventually. By moving out.

Perhaps we should encourage our local muggers to increase their activity.

Sherlock [on annoying short-term renters next door]