Just so you'll know, that orange is the color of the jumpsuit you'll be wearing.

Gregson [to murder suspect]

When she got diagnosed, I knew days like this were coming.

Joan [to Sherlock]

Joan: You heard what [Gregson] said.
Sherlock: I did. He doesn't want us to get killed. But I feel the same way about him.

Felipe: And how did you come by such information?
Sherlock: I used to buy heroin from him.

Joan: Wow. You're really good at this [making models].
Sherlock: You sound surprised.

Joan: What is that mush?
Sherlock: Mush. Or more accurately English porridge, made from an 18th-century recipe.
Joan: Well, it certainly smells like it's 400 years old.

Joan: How do you feel about it?
Mary: I'm proud, proud to have a daughter who cares enough about me to have this hard conversation.

Elementary Season 6 Episode 14 Quotes

When she got diagnosed, I knew days like this were coming.

Joan [to Sherlock]

Just so you'll know, that orange is the color of the jumpsuit you'll be wearing.

Gregson [to murder suspect]