The Nation killed your father.

Cookie [to Lucious]

Cookie: I know how bad you wanted Titan, but they're going to break his ass in prison. You lose your soul when you feel like the world's forgotten you.
Lucious: I never forgot about you. Couldn't. I did some things that I had to do in order to make sure that when you got out you would have all of this stuff.
Cookie: This stuff, meaning this material stuff? You just stopped coming. No calls, no letter, no explanation. Just left me twisting in the wind.

What you need to handle is your client. I hear he's having a little trouble since he been waving his little rainbow flag around telling everyone he doesn't need my money.

Lucious [to Cookie]

Anika: We need somebody like Titan.
Lucious: I don't want someone like Titan. The Empire wants Titan. Bring him here.

This race between you and Jamal? It's yours to lose. Prove to me that you as bad as Titan. That's all I want.

Lucious [to Hakeem]

What I want is for everyone to be talking about Empire until this IPO is launched. What I want is everyone talking about Hakeem. What I want most of all is for you to put donkey kong in a barrel and get the hell out of my office.


Michael: You sure you wanna give everything up?
Jamal: I'm not giving up anything. Going after his empire. Imma take it.

Somethings got you shook, Lucious. Like it's chasing you and you don't want it to catch you. Now I don't know if it has anything to do with Jamal, but whatever it is, you're trying to hide it. You can't hide it from me. You can't hide it from me, Lucious. Baby.


She told me back in the day, you couldn't make the song work. I mean, how does it feel that you're little girl can do something you couldn't? You washed up. And the songs I'm writing will only further prove that I'm you but on steroids.

Jamal [to Lucious]

Agent Carter: Is there a bathroom around here?
Cookie: Yeah, straight down the hall to the right. Then jump out the window and straight down.

And we know about tough love. And I feel responsible for my friends death. Because he came to me and told me he needed my help. And I told him he gotta stand on his own. And I'm gonna regret that the rest of my life.


Cookie: If it wasn't for Bunkie, none of us would have made it out of here.
Lucious: He was loyal. I wish I could say the same thing about you.

Empire Season 1 Quotes

Cookie's coming home.


I started selling drugs when I was 9 years old in Philadelphia. I did it to feed myself. But it was the music that played in my head that kept me alive when I thought I was going to get shot. And it was the melodies that I dreamt about that keep me warm when I was sleeping in the streets.
