Allison: It only records the memories you're willing to share, so think about those.
Jack: See I have seen this before and then the Stay-puft Marshmallow man.. Grrrr, comes Arrrgh down the street, ah... no.

Allison: Mr. Hughes, are you ok?
Hughes: My ears are ringing!
Jack: Exploding robots will do that.

Fargo: Your tank must have been damaged
Holly: I am going to die on Titan without even leaving Main Street.

Hughes: Sheriff Carter is dating the head of GD while living with the head of GD Security.
Jo: It's not as "Three's Company" as it sounds.

Fargo: We could have dinner; shoot the breeze, share secrets.
Holly: Uh..... no, let's just stick with the plan and have sex.

Henry: And where have you been?
Jo: I was tangled up with Zane, with his thing.... with his pardon.

Holly: Our budding urges are getting in the way.
Fargo: Our? As in Mutual?
Holly: Absolutely, that's why I think the most sensible course of actions is to satisfy them. [Reaches for him]
Fargo: Now?
Holly: The sooner we consummate, the sooner we concentrate

Allison: Now that we are involved I had to file an IA248 with the DOD
Jack: IA??
Allison: It's the form required for our intimate alliance.
Jack: There can't be a form for that!

Fargo: Sheriff, you ok?
Jack: I am in deep ship.

Jo: How are we going to get out, that opening is only eight inches.
Holly: Oh, me, me.. I can manage eight inches, no problem
Fargo: [gasp]
Holly: I have really limber joints
Fargo: oooh [little whimper]

Zane: Why did I have to make these things so indestructible?
Jo: because you don't do things half-ass, even when you're being a complete ass.

Allison: Come on Jack, you have to trust me.
Jack: I know [smiles]

Eureka Quotes

Carter: You sure this is not some sort of science-geek-ren-faire thing?
Allison: Well, either we are both having the same delusion or we are really stuck in 1947.

Carter: What does a nanny have that I don't?
Allison: A PhD in early childhood development with an emphasis on organic nutrition.