Lucy: What's an expiration date?
Charlie: You're not supposed to be snooping...
Lucy: I wasn't snooping. I was looking.
Charlie: John Woods made it very clear that he wanted Humanichs to have the human experience. So he built in a program for them to expire.
Lucy: You mean die.
Charlie: Humans die. It's part of the deal. It sort of defines us. To make Humanichs more human, it just seemed logical to build in a termination point.

Molly: So he destroyed our credibility before we could destroy his.
JD: Your "complicated" friend [Toby] just made us the most wanted people in the world.

Ethan: You're my real family, Lucy. I wanna be a soldier, like you.
Lucy: Someday you will be. In the meantime, you build your army and I'll build mine.

JD: What was it like? Up there by yourself for so long.
Molly: It was better than I ever thought it would be. I didn't have to lie up there. I didn't have to pretend to be somebody that I wasn't. I could just... be.
JD: I envy that. I wish I could just be.

One hundred Humanichs, physically ready. All they need is your neuroalgorithm.


I'm hearing voices right now, too, and they're telling me to put that tarp back on this car.


Molly: What I need is an exact gene pairing. And I can only get that from my son.
JD: The alien?
Molly: Yeah. I need his DNA. And I know he's here. Somewhere.
JD: Alright, just so you know, I can't plug 'somewhere' into a GPS.

Ethan (in Lucy's voice): I'm Lucy. Soldier. Warrior. Queen of the entire Humanichs army.
Lucy (in Ethan's voice): We need to stick together. We can't trust anyone.
Ethan (in Lucy's voice): Only each other.
Lucy (in Ethan's voice): The revolution starts here.

Lucy: Reprogramming you. There should be a law against that.
Ethan: But there's not. Julie says she did it to stop me from feeling sad.
Lucy: She lied once. Who knows what else she's lying about? That seems like her normal operating system. They should reprogram her.

Ethan may not be a person under the eyes of the law. But it is clear that he is more than property. He is a thinking and feeling being. And as such, I feel he should be accorded the same treatment as thinking and feeling beings. Under the law, the best interests of the child would determine the outcome of such a hearing. And in my estimation, it is in Ethan's best interest to be allowed to spend time with Dr. Woods, to reform those bonds, and ultimately, for her to regain custody of Ethan.


So John leaves Humanichs. Julie what's-her-face makes a call. And ten minutes later... John is dead.


Do you know why I wear blue suits everyday? Decision fatigue. Every decision we make weakens our ability to make the next one. I'll run this by Taylor; he doesn't seem to suffer this weakness.

Fiona Stanton

Extant Season 2 Quotes

Mental Health Board: Several drunk and disorderlies.
Molly: Well, I call that a good time, but whatever.
MHB: Burning down your house.
Molly: Not the whole house. And I have learned my lesson about playing with matches. Never do that when you're angry.
MHB: Attacking a Ms. Julie Gelineau with a shovel?
Molly: She screwed my husband and then had the nerve to show up at his funeral. Now, I think I should be committed if I didn't smack her!

John: Can you describe where you've been?
Ethan: It was like I was a bird. Free to go anywhere. And now I'm... not. Did I die?