You're telling me that my perp is a spore? I can't put a spore in a line-up.


JD: You are crazy.
Molly: Maybe a little. But crazy's all you got. Drive fast.

Computer: Would you like a partner?
JD: Heh. Kills me you still ask.
Computer: I'm a computer, I have to follow the rules.
JD: That is how fascism starts. No, no partner.

Mental Health Board: Several drunk and disorderlies.
Molly: Well, I call that a good time, but whatever.
MHB: Burning down your house.
Molly: Not the whole house. And I have learned my lesson about playing with matches. Never do that when you're angry.
MHB: Attacking a Ms. Julie Gelineau with a shovel?
Molly: She screwed my husband and then had the nerve to show up at his funeral. Now, I think I should be committed if I didn't smack her!

John: Can you describe where you've been?
Ethan: It was like I was a bird. Free to go anywhere. And now I'm... not. Did I die?

Extant Season 2 Quotes

Mental Health Board: Several drunk and disorderlies.
Molly: Well, I call that a good time, but whatever.
MHB: Burning down your house.
Molly: Not the whole house. And I have learned my lesson about playing with matches. Never do that when you're angry.
MHB: Attacking a Ms. Julie Gelineau with a shovel?
Molly: She screwed my husband and then had the nerve to show up at his funeral. Now, I think I should be committed if I didn't smack her!

John: Can you describe where you've been?
Ethan: It was like I was a bird. Free to go anywhere. And now I'm... not. Did I die?