Clay: Alex, it would hurt me a lot, but to help you, Alex, I would give up whatever we are to each other for you not to be in pain.
Alex: We're nothing.
Clay: Ok, then, whatever we could be.
Alex: Nothing. We're nothing!

Clay: You dropped out of law school? I thought you said you graduated.
Alex: Did I? So. You didn't even go.
Clay: I know. I'm not saying I care.
Alex: Good, because why would you care? It's like none of your business.
Clay: It really isn't.

Why did I have to be told tonight? Was it a strategy? Pile it all on, see how she reacts?


You don't matter in this building anymore, you entitled motherfucker. You want my help? Subpoena it.


Ellen: What was it about her?
Dan: I don't think it was actually about her, which makes me feel sick to my stomach to say, but when I try to remember what I was feeling when all of that was happening, mostly I remember feeling afraid.
Ellen: Of what?
Dan: That life had passed me by and I hadn't even noticed.

Do you see a world in which we're going to be okay, or is it too soon, and you haven't even thought about it yet?


I'm going to the Feds. You think I can't because you brought her back? That I won't because it will burn me too? I do not fucking care anymore! I'm going to call in every favor from anyone who has ever owed me anything to make you go away. So if you want to die, you better hurry up. You don't have much time, and you'll have to do it yourself.


Arthur: What's the matter?
Beth: Nothing. Nothing real.
Arthur: Well, if it's real to you, it's real. Put it into words. Change its nature. Take its power. Thought into action.
Beth: What's the action?
Arthur: Saying it out loud. No?

We all can't be political animals like you, Danny, I mean, but it's okay, though. Because somebody's gotta be the audience, right?


If you tell someone to stop calling you and they keep calling, and the twentieth time you pick up and say, Will you stop fucking calling me? What you just taught them is 20 times is all it takes.


There's part of me that would love to have you grinding away in a basement for 28 bucks an hour, but the rest of me? I wouldn't validate your parking if you had a fucking car.


Conchita: When they don't have the law, they argue the facts. When they don't have the facts, they argue the law. When they don't have either, they blame the victim. The guilty always blame the victim.
Dan: Is that what you still think?
Conchita: I don't think about you, Dan. Or well, I do, a little when I remember how well I used to know people, including myself.

Fatal Attraction Season 1 Quotes

Beth: So what happens now?
Dan: Nothing.
Beth: But you crashed a company car drunk.
Dan: Well, we know that, and Mike knows that, but they don't know that.

Bad decisions lead to bad outcomes, you play stupid games, you win stupid prizes.
