Dan: I have to tell you something, Beth.
Beth: Now, does it have to be now?
Dan: Yeah, I think it does.

Dan: So Arthur would keep looking?
Ellen: Yeah, Arthur would definitely keep looking.
Dan: You get along with him? I mean, I don't know why you wouldn't, you always did. What do you call him?

Bad decisions lead to bad outcomes, you play stupid games, you win stupid prizes.


Hi, it's me. Again. They have this new special this ravioli cheese with roasted tomatoes. You know, for me to order not meatballs, it must be pretty good. I don't know how long it'll be on the menu, so this is your heads-up because I haven't seen you in a while. It's starting to make me feel like I misunderstood something, except I really don't think that I did. I think you might have, though, and so I want to help. I want to help you be the man that I know that you are for your sake and everybody else's but in order to do that, I can't let you pretend that I don't exist because I do exist, and I'm not going to be ignored, Dan.


If you can have the ideal relationship with him going forward, have you thought about what that would be?


Alex: Since I won't be able ask you later, what do you think it'll take? No, that's not what I mean to say, I meant to say, how many do you think it will take?
Dan: How many what?
Alex: Pills.
Dan: Why? Did you take something, Alex? What did you take?
Alex: I took all of them.

Alex: Can't get out of here fast enough. Three minutes after you've come, you're already dressed.
Dan: No.
Alex: You're not already dressed?
Dan: It's late.
Alex: It's early.
Dan: Did I do something?
Alex: Not yet, not if you take all of that off and fuck me again.
Dan: I can't.
Alex: you better hurry; it's not the walk of shame if nobody sees you.

You know, if you were a different guy I'd be telling you to be careful right now but you're not a different guy, are you?


Alex's Therapist: You have to keep looking.
Alex: I mean, I am, but... you sound mad.
Alex's therapist: I'm not.
Alex: I mean, you say that, but I can't actually tell if you're mad at me or not. So?
Alex's Therapist: Take care of yourself.

Dan: thank you for today, it was great.
Alex: It kinda really was, which is just my luck.

Fuck them for not knowing your value, fuck their whole asses.


Dan: You should know that it's okay to say no.
Ellen: To what?
Dan: I don't know yet but first I have to tell you something. I need to say it to your face even if you don't believe me. I did not kill that woman. Alex Forrest.
Ellen: Yes you did.
Dan: No, no I didn't.
Ellen: No, you said you did. You lost control in a rage, and she didn't matter, so then you took her life.
Dan: You were there?
Ellen: You asked me to come.

Fatal Attraction Season 1 Quotes

Beth: So what happens now?
Dan: Nothing.
Beth: But you crashed a company car drunk.
Dan: Well, we know that, and Mike knows that, but they don't know that.

Bad decisions lead to bad outcomes, you play stupid games, you win stupid prizes.
