You need to make peace with the dead, old man. What are you afraid of?


Tom: Wait. Will you promise me something?
Madison: What?
Tom: Will you look after him when I'm gone?

Nick: Why won't you just let me go?
Madison: Because you want to.

Did I just screw everything up? Were they gonna trade him for my dad?


You can have your brother when I have my family back.


What? You're gonna shoot a pregnant woman? Come on, man. I wouldn't shoot a pregnant woman. This isn't on you.


I can't tell you what you want to hear. I'm not better than the man who cut the rope. I cut the rope. What you did to that boy? I did the same, to my son's mother.


When Connor found me in the raft just this side of death, the first thing he said to me was, "what do you have to offer?" I offered him your Abigail, but I asked for you.


Strand abandoned the ship, and they shot at him.


Hey! There's people on board, man. They have guns! There's people on the boat!


No, I think your son made the mistake. Should I shoot 'em? Piece of advice, if you have to ask the question, they should already be dead.


Madison: Oh, and Victor, you even look wrong at anyone in my family, and I will throw you overboard.
Strand [chuckles]: You're not a killer.

Fear the Walking Dead Season 2 Quotes

I could have fixed it! You shot her!


Nick: What if San Diego doesn't work out?
Strand: I don't know. The whole world is I don't know right now. You should know about that.