Alicia: You rig this yourself?
Althea: Thought I was the one asking the questions.
Alicia: How many rounds does it fire?
Althea: Enough.
Alicia: What's the spread like?
Althea: I know what you're thinking, but my guns aren't for hire and my bullets aren't for sale.

I lost my child.


Morgan: She left you.
John: Yes. Maybe if I waited to tell her...
Morgan: No. Waiting? That's ... that's how you lose people.

Naomi: Why'd you move up here?
John: Those people thought I was a hero.
Naomi: Doesn't matter how many people say it's not your fault, the only thing that matters is if you believe it.

John: Soup is the blanket of food.
Naomi: What?
John: Yeah, it's been a while since I had company.

Naomi: How'd you know I was a nurse?
John: Well, I don't know of too many people who can stick a needle in their side.

It takes more than one bad afternoon -- or a good one -- to turn somebody.


Morgan: I'm sorry John.
John: You were right. We are always on our own.

I've done things. I keep this to remind me that I dont want to become that man again.


Althea: I don't understand. You stayed at the stadium, you fought for it. Why is that the day everything changed?
Alicia: We should have talked my mom into leaving.
Strand: I should have followed my gut. I should have kept that car a secret.
Luciana: We should have flipped to another page ... or should have found some place else to go.

[to Althea] You're a puzzling creature.


Morgan: So, to answer your question: It was my wife, my son, and my friends. That's who I lost, before I lost myself. I know where you are, Nick, cause I was there. I didn't know how to make it stop. I didn't know if I wanted it to stop.

Fear the Walking Dead Season 4 Quotes

Althea: Your name?
Morgan: Morgan Jones.
Althea: Where did you come from?
Morgan: Atlanta and Virginia.
Althea: How'd you get here.
Morgan: I ran ... and I walked, drove ... and I walked again.

Athea: Tell me one real thing, then we'll call it even. Why'd you leave?
Morgan: ... I lose people, and then I lose myself.