I've got to learn to stop asking you questions.


I was wondering if I could play the killer this time. I feel like i'm always the victim.


Buckle up, Henry. I wouldn't want you to get hurt.


It has been said that a man is not dead while his name is still spoken. That we are only truly gone when we disappear from the memories of those who loved us, meaning a great artist never dies along as his books are read, his paintings admired, as long as our songs are sung, may each of us live forever. As for me, maybe its time to learn a new song, fortunately i have an excellent teacher.


Henry, please tell me you did not take evidence home and cook it?


I'm learning that you have all sorts of unexpected dimensions.


Henry: This mans killer has done us a favour.
Jo: oh yeah? Tell him that.

Abe: Rules are rules, Henry. No opera before 8 am.
Henry: It's quarter past 10.

Our body feels pain to warn us of danger, but it also reminds us that we're alive. That we still feel. That's why some of us seek it out, while others choose to numb it.


Listen to me, I know what it is like to be alone. To be betrayed by the one person you trust.


I'm going to make you hurt like you've never hurt before in your life.


Henry doesn't own a cell phone. He owns a watch and is never late.


Forever Quotes

Henry. You can learn a lot from a body. How a life was lived. What was their pain. Suffering Life experiences. Even i they were loved. But what a body can't tell you is why and for those left behind that seems to be the only question that matters,

My name is Henry Morgan. My story is a long one. It might sound a bit implausible. Infact, you probably won't belive it but i'll tell you anyway because beyond all else I have lots, lots of time.
