You've come to kill me. That's why Gabi called you. Gabrielle loves me, executioner, that's why she called you. Because she can't do it herself. I know she's considered it. She always realizes how much she needs me. She needs me to be her partner to help solve your cases because you and the others aren't smart enough. Your clients would never be found if it weren't for me. Isn't that ironic, executioner? The big bad wolf of Mosley & Associates is their savior.


I remember you. You're the one who followed me that day. You found me for Gabrielle.

Sir [to Dhan]

You are going to read this file and help me figure out who took her because if Gabi doesn't survive, neither do you. I will put a bullet in your head and won't think twice about it.

Dhan [to Sir]

Welcome home!

Team M&A

Therapist: I think we’re ready for the next step. A whole night away from the bus station.
Margaret: How? I don’t think I can do it.
Therapist: Have you heard of EMDR? Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing. Margaret, the injury that you suffered when you lost your son is no less severe than if you had been stabbed with a knife. And for the past 13 years, you’ve picked at that wound every night you go to the bus station. I think by revisiting that day, we can remove the guilt you continue to carry.

Sir: Let me ask you if this: Brandon were White and this young woman Black.
Gabi: Wouldn’t matter.
Sir: You need to put aside your own personal bias. Assume Brandon is guilty.
Gabi: I assume nothing. For all I know, she could be a danger to him.
Sir: Assume the worst; you’ll rarely be disappointed.

I told him I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t hoping he’d bring home a Black wife. You have to understand our men get so much thrown at them just for being, and as a mother, all I want is for my son to have the best love and support. And for me, that’s a woman who inherently understands why Brandon has to brace himself before he walks into certain situations. It’s a woman who already knows to say, I got you, you’re king before he enters those spaces. A woman who immediately understands when the world has made her black man weary without him having to explain why.


Mark: Annie died in a car accident, killed by a drunk driver who died on the scene. Also, there is no record of her ever being kidnapped or reported missing as a child. The only other thing on her record is that she spent some time in a mental health facility in late 2001 early 2002.
Gabi: So you’re saying Sir is telling me the truth?
Mark: Gabi, what did you just say? Sir is telling the truth? Have you been in contact with him?

Welcome home!

Team M&A

Gabi: Sorry for how I spoke to you during Melissa’s case. For taking my pain out on you, something I’m realizing I do often
Trent: Well, apology accepted, but I can’t apologize for caring if you live or die.
Gabi: OK. One more thing.
Trent: Here we go...
Gabi: You need to go back to the DCPD
Trent: Why you afraid I’m gonna ask for a job at M&A? I’m not.
Gabi: You need to go back ‘cause it’s who you are and where you’re meant to be. You’ve been lost without it.
Trent: Well, maybe it’s time for a change.
Gabi: If that was really how you felt, you would have turned Mallory down immediately. Take your job back, Trent. You’re one of the good ones. We all need you there.

They should be thanking me. Those kids were screw-ups -- a blight on society. I did the world a favor.

Principal Chloe

Principal Chloe: Chloe Weller, principal. Miss Mosley, I am such a fan. I heard you would like access to the campus. I’m assuming this is about Tony Edwards.
Gabi: Yes, he’s missing now, and we’re helping him in the family
Principal Chloe: Of course. And I’m beyond grateful that you’re on his side. No one seems to see the good in these kids. I’m sorry, but I am gonna need to verify your credentials first since you’re not parents or faculty. I have a lot of parents to answer to.
Gabi: Your truancy records are low for this area.
Principal Chloe: In the five years that I’ve been here, I have whipped this place into something my students and staff can be proud of.

Found Season 1 Quotes

Gabi: Who is this?
Reporter: Sarah Holden, Senator Holden's missing daughter.
Gabi: Sarah went missing 29 hours ago while playing in the park with her brother. There isn't a person in America who hasn't seen Sarah's face all over their TVs, highly increasing her chances of being found. Now who is this? [silence] This is why there will always be a need for what I do. Tasheika has been missing from the DC area for the last two weeks, and no one is talking about her. I sincerely hope they find Sarah. I do. But while you keep prioritizing the missing high-profile blonde girls of the world. My team and I will gladly continue to pick up the slack for the rest.

Gabi: We're a crisis management firm. We are PR specialists, lawyers, tech experts, and private investigators, all doing the job the police seem too busy to do.
Reporter: And what do you say to the people who call you vigilantes?
Gabi: We find missing people who have slipped through the cracks and bring them home. You're talking to a woman who, 20 years ago, had to rescue herself from her kidnapper because no one was looking.