Poopenmeyer: Dr. Wernstrom, can you save my city?
Wernstrom: Of course. But it'll cost you. First I'll need tenure.
Poopenmeyer: Done.
Wernstrom: And a big research grant.
Poopenmeyer: You got it.
Wernstrom: Also, access to a lab and five graduate students, at least three of them Chinese.
Poopenmeyer: Um, alright done. What's your plan?
Wernstrom: What plan? I'm set for life! Au revoir, suckers!
Leela: That rat! Do something!
Poopenmeyer: I wish I could but he's got tenure!

Farnsworth: I'm a dried up husk of a scientist. This is all my fault.
Fry: No, it's my fault too. I'm sure I threw out more than my share of that trash up there. Also, one month my toilet broke and it just went straight in the garbage can.

Farnsworth: Wernstrom!
Wernstrom: The very same.

Wernstrom: Face it, Farnsworth, you're over the hill. It's time to leave science to the hundred-twenty-year-olds.
Farnsworth: You young turks think you know everything! I was inventing things when you were barely turning senile.
Wernstrom: Haha! Go home before you embarrass yourself, old man! Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to take a nap before the ceremonies.

Poopenmeyer: This city's been garbage-free for 500 years!
Fry: Then it's time to make some more.
Poopenmeyer: Make garbage? But how?

But garbage isn't something you just find lying on the streets of Manhattan!


Wernstrom: And what will you be presenting this evening, grandpa?
Farnsworth: Let's just say it'll put you young whippersnappers in your place!
Wernstrom: I just hope it's not as lame as that death clock you presented last year.
Farnsworth: Uh, last year, you say?
Wernstrom: That's right.
Farnsworth: Oh, my! Did it put you young whippersnappers in your place?
Wernstrom: Hardly! We laughed until our teeth fell out. Come along, Cinnamon.
Farnsworth: Oh, dear, I'll have to invent something new in the next ten minutes. Perhaps some sort of death clock!

Farnsworth: Wait! If we could build an object the exact size, density and consistency of the garbage ball, it might just knock the ball away without smashing it to bits.
Leela: But where can we find a substance the exact density and consistency as garbage?
Farnsworth: Alas, I don't know.
Fry: Uh, what about garbage?

Newscaster: All in all, this is one day mittens the kitten won't soon forget hahaha.
Morbo: Hahaha...kittens give Morbo gas.

Fry: Hey, as long as you don't make me smell Uranus. (laughs)
Leela: I don't get it.
Farnsworth: I'm sorry, Fry, but astronomers renamed Uranus in 2620 to end that stupid joke once and for all.
Fry: Oh. What's it called now?
Farnsworth: Urectum. Here, let me locate it for you.
Fry: Hehe, no, no, I think I'll just smell around a bit over here.

Poopenmeyer: My God! The senile old man is right.
Wernstrom: Do you mean him or me?

People of New New York, take a lesson from the 20th century. Stop all this pain-in-the-ass recycling and throw your garbage on the floor... Go ahead. Just chuck it any old place like I used to. Your city is counting on you.


Futurama Season 1 Quotes

(after he freezes Leela)
Fry: See ya' in a thousand years.
(Is about to leave, then comes back and switches it from 1000 years, to five minutes)
Fry: You owe me.

Leela: Look, I know it's not much consolation. But, I understand how you feel.
Fry: No, you don't. I've got no home, no family.
Bender: No friends.
Fry: My whole world is gone. You can't possible understand what it feels like to be so alone.
Leela: I understand. I'm the only one-eyed alien on this whole planet. My parents abandoned me here as a baby and I don't even know what galaxy they were from. I know how it feels to be alone.