Aww! Its anus looks like an asterisk.


Amy: I'm presenting my thesis tomorrow and I've barely had time to prepare.
Professor: Nonsense. You've been my grad student for 12 years, you were ready 6 years ago.
Amy: What!?
Professor: I probably should have told you.

Amy [about Nibbler's poo]: Could you dump that somewhere else?
Leela: Not really, it's highly volatile dark matter... and some corn.

So long Earth. Thanks for the air and what not.


Professor: Behold, a time traveling machine.
Bender: Time? I can't go back there!
Professor: Ah, but this machine only goes forward in time. That way you can't accidentally change history or do something disgusting like sleep with your own grandmother.
Fry: I wouldn't want to do that again.

Everywhere I looked, there were piles of bodies. And then the explosion struck!


Has anyone seen Fry's ass? It's late for a date with my boot.


No! I can throw up on a stripper anytime. Tonight, I wanna not throw up. On you.


Guys, guys! Hedonismbot is finally ready to settle down and marry a house in the suburbs.


Leela: You make it look so easy.
Hermes: I've smoked a lot of paperwork in my day.

So many papers, not enough hiding plants!


He did it and he's not looking back at that cool explosion? He's a hero!


Futurama Season 7 Quotes

Fire all weapons and open a hailing frequency for my victory yodel.

Zapp Brannigan

Fry: Professor, my Fry-fro's all frizzy.
Farnsworth: Okay?
Fry: That's all. Oh, also, I'm covered in severe burns.
Farnsworth: So, what of it?
Fry: Well...why is...those things?
Farnsworth: You mean you don't remember?
Fry: Nope, nothing. It's like when I passed out in college except nobody drew magic marker penises on my forehead