Leela: The truth is, I once slept with him. A few times.
Munda: I know, he showed me the commemorative painting.

Zapp: Now watch, Kif, as I score a diplomatic coup by congratulating the admiral in his native tongue!
Kif: Last time you tried that, the Mexican restaurant declared war on us! I beg you, just use the translator.
Zapp: Kif, just trust me for once. [speaks in alien language]
Translator: I'd like to spank your sister with a slice of bologna.
Zapp: Heheh. Oops.
Kif: It's the Battle of Paco's Tacos all over again!

But let me just say, my beautiful wife Munda has been by side. Even that year my side mutated into some kind of venomous radish!


Leela: Hey guys, welcome to my parents' 40th anniversary party!
Bender: I'm bored. Let's drink!

The attention Cobb's receiving is inflating his ego! It's going totally Kanye!

Professor Farnsworth

I'm a celebrity, I can kill anyone I want!


Now hold on, I feel like I was chased by a mushroom recently.


What are you, some kind of attack fungus? Or just a moldy schnauzer?


Once again, television has given me a reason to live.


Most acclaimed actor of his generation, he's raked in seven Academy Awards for Best Actor, and two for Best Actress.


Bender: Heheheh, man, I've never had anyone try so hard to digest me.
Zoidberg: Look, we've all been in a sea monster's stomach.

Calculon really Shatner'd the hell out of that scene!


Futurama Season 9 Quotes

Bev: If you're looking for a smelly old can of booze, go look in the mirror.
Fry: Aw, snap!

Wow, you can talk? Shut up and give me a Slurm Loco!
