Whore: The queen has two brothers?
Tyrion: There's the pretty one, and there's the clever one.
Whore: I hear they call him the imp.
Tyrion: I hear he hates that nickname.
Whore: Oh? I hear he's more than earned it. I hear he's a drunken little lecher, prone to all manner of perversions.
Tyrion: Clever girl.
Whore: We've been expecting you, Lord Tyrion.

Tell Lord Tywin winter is coming for him. Twenty thousand northerners marching south to find out if he really does sh*t gold.


Tears aren't a woman's only weapon. The best one's between your legs.


Oh, my sweet summer child! What do you know about fear? Fear is for the winter, when the snows fall a hundred feet deep; fear is for the Long Night, when the sun hides for years and children are born and live and die all in darkness. That is the time for fear, my little Lord.

Old Nan

Bran: I'm not a cripple.
Tyrion: Then I'm not a dwarf. My father will be rejoiced to hear it.

Power is power.


Hush Hodor! No more Hodoring!


Shae: Some of those boys will never come back.
Sansa: Joffrey will. The worst ones always live.

I will hurt you for this. A day will come when you think you are safe and happy, and your joy will turn to ashes in your mouth. And you will know the debt is paid.

Tyrion Lannister

Tyrion: Let me give you some advice bastard. Never forget what you are. The rest of the world will not. Wear it like armor, and it can never be used to hurt you.
Jon: What the hell do you know about being a bastard?
Tyrion: All dwarfs are bastards in their father's eyes.

It's not easy being drunk all the time. Everyone would do it, if it were easy.

Tyrion Lannister

Tyrion: I'm the captain. If this ship goes down, I go down with it.
Varys: I'm sure many captains said the same when the ship was afloat.

Game of Thrones Quotes

Ned: You understand why I did it.
Bran: John said he was a deserter.
Ned: But you understand why I had to kill him.
Bran: Our way is the old way.
Ned: The man who passes the sentence should swing the sword.

He won't be a boy forever. And, winter is coming.
