Jon: Do you have any faith in me at all?
Sansa: You know I do.
Jon: She'll be a good queen -- for all of us. Because she's not her father.
Sansa: Well, she's a lot prettier.

Daenerys: Your sister pledged to send her army North.
Jaime: She did.
Daenerys: I don't see an army. I see one man ... with one hand. It appears your sister lied to me.
Jaime: She lied to me as well. She never had any intention of sending her army North. She has Euron Greyjoy's fleet and 20,000 fresh troops. The Golden Company from Essos, bought and paid for. Even if we defeat the dead, she'll have more than enough to destroy the survivors.
Daenerys: We?
Jaime: I promised to fight for the living and I aim to keep that promise.
Tyrion: Your grace, I know my brother.
Daenerys: Like you knew your sister?
Tyrion: He came here alone, knowing full well how he would be received. Why do that if he weren't telling the truth?
Daenerys: Perhaps he'd trust his little brother to defend him, right up to the moment he slits my throat.

Gendry: Don't you have something better to do?
Arya: You made my weapon yet?
Gendry: Just as soon as I'm done making a few thousand of these.
Arya: You should make mine first and make sure it's stronger than this.
Gendry: It's strong enough.

Gendry: It's going to be safer down in the crypt you know.
Arya: Are you going to be down in the crypt?
Gendry: No, but ...
Arya: But you're a fighter.
Gendry: I've done my share.
Arya: You've fought them?
Gendry: I did, some of them.
Arya: How many?
Gendry: A few. That was enough.
Arya: What are they like?
Gendry: Bad. Really bad.
Arya: Really bad? Even a smiths apprentice can do better than really bad. What do they look like? What do they smell like? How do they move? How hard are they to kill?
Gendry: Look, I know you want to fight, and I know you're not scared of rapers or murderers or ... this is different. This is death. You want to know what they're like? Dead. That's what they are like.

Tyrion: Well, here we are.
Jaime: Yeah, here we are.

Samwell Tarly. Slayer of White Walkers. Lover of ladies. As if we need anymore signs the world was ending.


Tyrion: Would you like a drink?
Tormund: Brought my own.

Tyrion: It's strange, isn't it? Almost everyone here has fought the Starks at one time or another, and here we are in their castle. Ready to defend it. Together.
Brienne: At least we'll die with honor.
Tyrion: I think we might live.
[Everyone laughs].
Tyrion: I do. How many battles have we survived between us?

Melisandre: What do we say to the God of Death?
Arya: Not today.

You took your time.


Melisandre: Do you speak their tongue?
[Ser Jorah nods.]
Melisandre: Tell them to lift their swords.

Melisandre: Valar morghulis.
Greyworm: Valar dohaeris.

Game of Thrones Quotes

Tis a big and beautiful world. Most of us live and die in the same corner where we were born and never get to see any of it. I don't want to be most of us.


I’m going to kill the queen.
