Lorelai: Well, did he...try something?
Rory: What?
Lorelai: You know. Did he wanna...
Rory: What?
Lorelai: Did he wanna go faster than you -
Rory: God no!
Lorelai: Ok, ok, I'm sorry.
Rory: Jeez!

Gilmore Girls Season 1 Episode 17 Quotes

Lorelai: Oh well, uh, good morning sleeping beauty.
Luke: Yeah, well you know Rachel thought I looked a little tired.
Lorelai: No, it's good. You need a little break.
Luke: I guess.
Lorelai: You do. So she seems pretty comfortable here huh?
Luke: Yeah well she always could just fit in places you know. It's a talent of hers.
Lorelai: She looks good in your apron.
Luke: Yeah well, can I get you anything?
Lorelai: Oh, um, do you think you could make those really crazy chocolate chip pancakes and go extra heavy on the chocolate?
Luke: Yeah sure, any special occasion?
Lorelai: Dean broke up with Rory.
Luke: What?!
Lorelai: Keep it down, she doesn't want anybody to know about it.
Luke: Oh I knew it, I just knew that kid was trouble.
Lorelai: Yes you did, you knew it. Pancakes please.
Luke: Oh God, he's got a nerve. I mean what does he think he's gonna do better than Rory? Is he crazy? Jeez. Alright, well forget it ok. Good riddance, adios, bienvenidos, hasta la vista.
Lorelai: Could we get off the small world ride and start cooking please?
Luke: How is she?
Lorelai: She's been dumped by her first boyfriend.
Luke: Oh man, I swear I would love to... ok, I'm gonna put some whipped cream on the pancakes too.
Lorelai: Thank you Luke.

(Luke spots Dean outside the diner and walks to him)
Luke: Stop right there.
Dean: What?
Luke: Where are you going?
Dean: To get coffee.
Luke: Wrong.
Dean: Excuse me?
Luke: You're not going in there buddy.
Dean: What are you talking about?
Luke: Turn around bag boy.
Dean: Are you serious?
Luke: Do you see a smile on my face?
Dean: No but what's different about that?
Luke: What's that supposed to mean?
Dean: It's just that you're not exactly known as the town crack up.
Luke: So you're a smart guy now, huh?
Dean: What are you doing?
Luke: Just exercising my right not to serve you.