Lorelai: (about the rabbit they're having for dinner) You brought it with you from London?
Trix: Yes.
Lorelai: What, did you get it a seat?
Richard: Dry ice.
Lorelai: Wow! That's inventive.

Lorelai: What would Miss Manners say about this?
Emily: If she met your grandmother, she'd understand.

Trix: You talk about me like I'm dead.
Richard: Oh you're never going to die, you're too stubborn!

Lorelai: Work.
Rory: Life.
Lorelai: Dig it man.
Rory: Peace out Humphrey.

Hi, for that much money you wake her up! You hire a singing telegram! Women jump out of cakes! People dress up like bankers and dance around with those toasters!

</i> Sookie

Sookie: (about Rory) Call her now. Ooh, page her, or page her and have her call my cell phone and we can sing the money song from 'Cabaret.' You be Liza, I'll be Joel.
Lorelai: I don't know.
Sookie: Hey I'm Joel.

(about Rory) It's not about what she would buy. I don't care if she buys a house or a boat or the elephant man's bones.

I have to change and go to tea with Gran and the cast of Gaslight.

Paris: God, this is so weird. I can't stop smiling.
Rory: Good, then it's a good time to talk about our over taxed peasants.
Paris: Oh, let them eat cake.

Paris: I just wanted to tell you again that I had so much fun last night.
Tristan: Yeah, after five messages on my answering machine, I kinda got that impression.

Lorelai: Mother, Grandma is a very old woman, I highly doubt that she's going to remember everything she ever bought you.
Emily: She will remember down to the very last shrimp fork and do you know why?
Lorelai: No. (to dogs) Do you guys know why?
Emily: Because she doesn't just give you a present, she 'gives' you a present and she tells you where to put it, how to use it, what it costs - for insurance purposes of course - and God forbid you should have a different opinion or you don't think it works in the space or you just get tired of waking up every morning with those horrifying animals staring at you!
Lorelai: (to the dogs) She's just upset.
Emily: Stop talking to the dogs!

Rory: (about her great-grandmother) I hope she likes me.
Lorelai: She'll love you.
Rory: I hope she and Grandma get along.
Lorelai: She'll love you.

Gilmore Girls Season 1 Episode 18 Quotes

Rory: Louis, I think this is the beginning of a wonderful friendship.
Tristan: (pause) Who's Louis?
Rory: Think about it.

Lorelai: Where's it going?
Emily: Third floor.
Lorelai: How about second floor?
Emily: Third floor.
Lorelai: How about first floor on a ladder?