Artie: I thought I was over someone, but I still think I have feelings for them.
Brittany: The Clintons?

I'm with Rachel now. She's a lot shorter than Quinn and she talks a lot, but I love her.


How can you do a duet by yourself? That's like vocal masturbation.


He emailed me like 60 MP3s of seeing and I thought he was Faith Hill.

Sam [on Kurt]

Artie: You've never made eye contact with me.
Brittany: For awhile, I thought you were a robot.

Rachel: I'm only really generous if there's something in it for me.
Finn: Yeah. But I still like you.

Kurt: You have issues with me being gay.
Finn: No. I have issues with the fact that you don't understand that 'no means no.'

Brittany: Sweet lady kisses.
Santana: It's a nice break from all that scissoring.

I'm like a lizard. I need something warm beneath me or else I can't digest my food.


Kurt: I have three gifts: My voice, my ability to spot trends in men's fashion and my ability to know when it comes from a bottle.

Will: What's a duet?
Brittany: A blanket.

Sam: I'm Sam. Sam I am. And I don't like Green Eggs and Ham.
Santana: He has no game.

Glee Season 2 Quotes

Even if your team has dropped their sequin-covered panties and urinated all over the stage like an elderly Carol Channing, they literally could not have done worse.


One girl ate a pigeon. That's how badly they wanna be Cheerios.
