Mariana: How do you know so much about so many different things?
Evan: When I was a kid, well, I didn't have many friends, so I used to read my grandfather's Encyclopedia Brittanicas. I guess that makes me sound like a huge nerd.

Joyce: What ever happened to Heather?
Diane: They broke up, unfortunately.

Alice: Sumi is going to get the fever.
Davia: The fever?
Alice: The wedding fever!

Diane: I want to clarify something, Callie. I do like you. I'm just scared, I guess of losing my son. Sons tend to gravitate more towards their wives' families, and it's clear that you're not a big fan of mine, so I'm just worried that your feelings towards me are going to pull Jamie in further away.
Callie: You raised Jamie to be such an amazing man. I respect you for that. I would never ever try to spoil his relationship with you or take him away. I promise.

Callie: I just don't want to be needy.
Jamie: Callie, if there is one thing you will never be, it's needy. You are so independent sometimes I wish you needed me a bit more. Out of all my friends, you are by far my best friend. You're the one I want to hang out with the most.

I'm ready to tell you where Madison's body is buried.


Gael: I was avoiding the studio. But it's not you. Well, I mean, it is, kind of. Maybe I misread this, but I've been feeling a vibe between us.
Jay: You did not misread the vibe.

Stef: It is both impressive and scary how quickly you made all that up.
Callie: Thank you.

Maury: I'm happy with the way I live.
Morty: I wasn't. I'm tired of living the way that other people want me to. Including you.

I came out after a lifetime of being in the closet, and now I have to tiptoe around his feelings?


Alice: Maybe we should rethink moving in together.
Sumi: What are you talking about?

What in the actual hell is his problem? He shows up with his bros, and we're just supposed to end our date night?


Good Trouble Season 5 Quotes

Mariana: I'm so sorry. This is all my fault.
Evan: Why did you go to the Farm in the first place?

Jazmine: So, how do you feel about Isabella changing her mind?
Gael: I feel blindsided.