Chuck: Gotta go, can't talk.
Blair: Go where, everyone you know is standing in this room.
Chuck: I don't wanna be here.
Eric: We want you here. I just lost my stepfather... I don't wanna lose my brother too.
Chuck: When are you going to get it? We are not related.

Nate: What's he talking about?
Blair: Who knows? When we found him, his shoes were on the wrong feet.

Chuck: What are YOU doing HERE?!
Blair: He's just upset, and loaded-
Chuck: What are YOU doing at my father's funeral? You think I WANT you here?
Dan: Chuck, if this is about the article, you know I didn't write it.
Chuck: You think I CARE about your failed attempt at investigative journalism?! My father's DEAD because of your father.

Cece: I gave her a chance to tell you. She didn't take it. In fact, she asked me to pay a lot of money to make the problem go away.
Rufus: But you didn't do that, did you?
Cece: The real problem is that she's in love with you.
Rufus: Why is that a problem?
Cece: Because so long as she holds on to this, the two of you don't have a chance in hell of making this work. I want you to have this chance. Don't you?

Chuck: I can't believe you'd want this to become public knowledge.
Lily: What is that?
Chuck: Oh, it's exactly what you think it is.
Lily: But my mother—
Chuck: Lied to you. And Mr. Tyler. Judging by the look on your face, I'm guessing it wasn't your idea to come clean.

Cece: What are you going to do about the fact that you're in love with Rufus Humphrey?
Lily: Well, I'm not sure I'm going to do anything. At least not right away.
Cece: So you are in love with him... I was fishing.

Dan: Look Serena, if you want to go, go. If you don't, don't. I can't tell you who to be with.
Serena: No but you can tell me how you feel.
Dan: How do you feel? About your boyfriend who wants to take you to South America?
Serena: Well, I mean, he's really great. I like him a lot.
Dan: Well, that's your answer then.

Chuck: Disrespecting your marriage... betraying my father with Rufus Humphrey.
Lily: I did no such thing.
Chuck: He was coming to fight for you. Talk about dying for nothing.

Lily: I know you're upset but we all really need each other right now.
Chuck: Don't touch me, whore!
Lily: Charles, please. You need to be with your family.
Chuck: Family? I don't have a family.

Nate: Maybe we should have just left him at The Palace.
Blair: It's his father's funeral. He needs to be here and pay his respects.
Chuck: [wasted] Respect. My father wasn't shown much of that in his final days.

Lily: I'm sorry we haven't spoken since the Ball. I really appreciate your messages.
Rufus: All I want to say is that I'm here. If you want me to keep my distance I can do that too. I um, can't imagine what you're going through.
Lily: Actually you can better than anyone else can. Everyone's so concerned about the grieving widow. But as much as I feel shock and loss, mostly I feel guilt.

More towers than Trump, more bucks than Bloomberg. Bart Bass definitely made his mark on Manhattan. The passing of a public figure can shake a whole town. But the real story is always the one happening in private. Away from the headlines. At home.

Gossip Girl

Gossip Girl Season 2 Episode 13 Quotes

Serena: I don't know if I can go away right now. My family is a disaster. My brother is lonely, my mother is losing it, and Chuck has publicly disowned our family.
Aaron: Are you sure it's your family you don't want to leave, or someone else?

Lily: We're doing comfort food: nobody is comforted by a tuna tower.