Don't forget, God always watching Miss Blair.


Every girl dreams about finding her Prince Charming. But if that prince refuses to come?

Gossip Girl

Dan: So he just got up and left, abruptly?
Blair: Like a Bass out of hell.

Aaron: Do you know how to weld?
Serena: Um, I've seen Flashdance several times?

Wow. Someone loves Chuck Bass.


Agnes: I mean, you can do whatever you want to do, but what do you think people will say when they see Jenny Humphrey has finally gone out on her own?
Jenny: I dunno... Jenny Humphrey is so young to have her own line?
Agnes: Or, too bad Jenny Humphrey's stuff looks exactly like Eleanor Waldorf's.

Agnes: Okay, seriously, you work your ass off, and for what? So Eleanor can rip off your ideas?
Jenny: No, Eleanor promised that I could be in the meetings with the buyers from Mendels and Barney's today.
Agnes: Just like she introduced you to the guy from Bloomingdale's.

Jenny: Agnes, I'm gonna kill you.
Agnes: No, dude, I know, trust me, I'm sorry, I just got all of your messages. Look, here, take the dress and ... I don't think you should give this to Eleanor, by the way. I mean, my friends, they FREAKED over it last night.
Jenny: Great! I don't care.

Eleanor: You are lucky that I don't fire you this minute.
Jenny: You are lucky that I don't just quit!

Agnes: You should do your own clothing line.
Jenny: You really think so?

Agnes: I love your dress.
Jenny: I made it, actually.

I gave you a shot, and while your efforts were admirable ... I'm bored. You ruined my pants. Goodnight, Blair.


Gossip Girl Season 2 Episode 8 Quotes

Dan: DO you love him?
Blair: NO! No, of course not.
Dan. So why don't you just say it to get what you want? Frat guys have been doing that since ... forever.
Blair: I can't! If I say it then Chuck wins.
Dan: But... if you say it then you get him and you win.

Blair: I was thinking I'd just disappear for awhile. Give him a taste of life without me.
Dan: No, that's a terrible idea. Don't disappear. Become unavoidable. Chuck may be a deviant but he's still a man. Drive him crazy. Wear him down. You should be good at that.
Blair: Look who finally got a little interesting.
Dan: I'm sure it's a fluke.

Gossip Girl Season 2 Episode 8 Music

  Song Artist
Crash & Burn Girl Robyn iTunes
Partie Traumatic Black Kids iTunes
With Light There Is Hope Princess Point One Five iTunes