Rufus: Since when were you the patron saint of former rock stars?
Lily: Since when were you a rock star?

Call us old school. But sometimes the fairly tale requires the knight to get off his ass and saddle up his steed.

Mysterious financial transactions. Warring parents. Welcome to the Upper East Side.


Vanessa: The Pacifier played for like a year.
Dan: And they said Vin Diesel couldn't do comedy.

After everything that's happened - or, hasn't happened - I wanna make it special.


Eric: Hey Mom. I'm sorry about tonight.
Lily: Oh, we'll talk about it in the morning. After you had a good night sleep in your own bed.
Eric: I'm going home?
Lily: I'm not sure exactly how this is gonna work, you know.
Eric: I'm not worried. (smiles) It's a good thing I didn't unpack.

Blair: Martini.
Jenny: Oh, no thanks, I don't like Vodka.
Blair: Well thats great, because this is gin, as it should be

Blair: Okay, I have a problem. I have a big problem! It starts with a capital RX.
Nurse: What drugs have you been taking?
Blair: Caffiene, Nicotine, Cadimine, Disprine, LSD, Driazapam, Flurazepam. All the pams really, I don't discriminate.
Nurse: Apparently not
(picks up phone)
Nurse: Code yellow, floor six. Why don't you wait right here? I'll get a doctor.
(Begining to leave)
Blair: And I'd love a cappuccino!

I'm sorry. I don't know why I just said anything like that. I have, I have this thing, like a nervous tick. My mind never stops speaking, in like, ever. In fact when I was a little boy, my mom used to say there was never a word I met that I didn't like. You know what else I like? Your daughter. I, I really like your daughter.

Dan (explaining to Serena's mom why he never stops talking)

Spotted on the steps of the Palace -- Cinderella stepping onto a pumpkin instead of her carriage. Lucky for Lonely Boy, there's more than one stable filling our inbox.

Blair: Alright, who's ready for a game of Truth or Dare?
Jenny: Oh, I love Truth or Dare. Once, I had to eat an entire bag of marshmallows.
Blair: That's nice, Little Humphrey. But, um, that's not how we play

Alright, alright. (loosening his tie) Well, then. If it's a real Dan Humphrey date that you want, then it's a real Dan Humphrey date that you're gonna get. Let's go.


Gossip Girl Season 1 Quotes

Better lock it down with Nate, B. Clock is ticking.

Gossip Girl

Mrs. Waldorf: If you're gonna wear one of my designs, at least tell me so we can have it fitted.
Blair: Thanks, mom.