Jenny: The real question is, so how are you?
Dan: Me? Why wouldn't I be okay?
Jenny: You know, at end of the night with Serena and the...
(Jenny gives Dan a awkward wave)
Dan: Was it really that bad

Jenny: I mean, how could I have actually thought Chuck Bass just wanted to talk to me?
Dan: Becuase you trust people. Which is normally a good thing.
Jenny: Yeah, except when it involves Chuck.
Dan: Yeah pretty much

And who am I? That's one secret I'll never tell ... You know you love me. XOXO, Gossip Girl

(first line) Hey Upper East Siders, Gossip Girl here, and I have the biggest news ever!

Gossip Girl: Spotted: Serena, making a heroic exit from B's party. Too bad for her, there's school on Monday.

Blair: She better not show her face again.
Chuck: I'm actually hoping she will.

Dan: Think I got a shot at a second date?
Serena: I don't think you could top this one.
Dan: Well, I did punch someone.

Serena: You asked me out on a date and you didn't think I was nice?
Dan: No, I just thought you were hot. And, technically, you asked me out.

Chuck: I love freshmen. They're so...
Isabel: Fresh?

Dad, you could just tell me I look nice, instead of turning this into a sermon on the passage of time.


Lily: Why is my daughter going to one of your concerts?
Rufus: Cause we're awesome.

Dan: You'll really go out with some guy you don't know?
Serena: Well, you can't be worse than the guys I do know.

Gossip Girl Season 1 Quotes

Better lock it down with Nate, B. Clock is ticking.

Gossip Girl

Mrs. Waldorf: If you're gonna wear one of my designs, at least tell me so we can have it fitted.
Blair: Thanks, mom.