Well just because I can't feel anything shouldn't mean everyone else should have to endure humiliation. I'll help you.


Chuck: Forgive me for stating the obvious, but isn't being published a writer's goal?
Dan: Not for this book. It's a scathing social satire. About everyone I know, including you.
Chuck: [smiles] The return of Charlie Trout.

Dan: Well how about instead of pain you try to feel good things. I could tickle you.
Chuck: I'd rather hire someone else to do that, thank you.

Watch out, Nate. Looks like sex play may not be the only game you're a pawn in.

Diana: Once you know how to control information you can do anything with it. Politics, banking. Whatever.
Nate: While that sounds great, I would have to get my family to approve me pulling out on this other thing.
Diana: Well just remind them what George did for JFK, Jr.

Chuck: That's what you don't understand. I feel nothing when I see her and Louis. Or when I jump off a building or when I crash a motorcycle. Even you don't irritate me.
Dan: Well having these guys beat you up isn't the way to fix anything. You could have died.
Chuck: Is being dead that much worse than being nothing?

Chuck: I wasn't trying to kill myself.
Dan: Then what the hell were you doing?
Chuck: I was hoping it would hurt.
Dan: What, to dull the pain of losing Blair?

Dan: Hey! I'm not part of his payment plan.
Chuck: Sorry. Mr. Bass said nothing should stop us except his safe word.
Dan: Well his is serious. He could die.
Chuck: All this be madness, yet there is some method in it. [gets kicked again] Guess that wasn't the safe word.
Dan: Chuck. Chuck. Tell them to stop.
Chuck: Okay. Fine. "Stop."
Dan: Stop? Really? That's it?

Gossip Girl: Spotted: Chuck on the wrong side of town. Looks like Bassman doesn't have enough of a dark side. He has to take a walk on one too.

Blair: Beatrice. You have to understand, it's still so early. I didn't want to get Louis' hopes up if things weren't okay. I was going to tell him.
Louis: What were you going to tell me?
Beatrice: About her wonderful idea, Louis.
Blair: I have so many.
Dan: Mmm.

While one mother's life leads her to Heaven, another's is going straight to Hell in a Moses basket.

Dan: Blair, this isn't a joke. We are not leaving this room until you agree to get help.
Blair: I don't need help. I'm not bulimic. I'm pregnant.

Gossip Girl Season 5 Quotes

Dan: It's Blair's Save the Date.
Rufus: You're not happy. You guys are still friends, right?
Dan: Yeah. Friends. I wonder if she invited Chuck.
Rufus: If he's anywhere that FedEx can reach.

Dan: Dad! What are you doing here? I thought you'd still be in London helping Jenny set up St. Martin's.
Rufus: She and Eric kicked me out when I didn't know who Sierra Burton was, so I came back here early and thought I'd spend some time with you.