Oh, you look ... I should have joined the army.

Tom [to Teddy]

Kiss the one who turns back time for you.

Natascha [to Meredith]

Gareth: If she dies, I die. If she dies, I die.
Mer: You're not going to die. I know it feels that way, but you have to fight.

Owen: Yes, I know addiction is a disease, but since when do its symptoms include lying and stealing to people trying to help you? It just all feels like an excuse to justify piss poor life decisions. Wait, where are you going?
Amelia: To Meredith's.
Owen: Why?
Amelia: I don't know, piss poor life decisions.

Richard: Catherine Fox, you couldn't be average if you tried. What's the matter?
Catherine: Get me to that bedroom, now!
Richard: She's back, baby!

It's a bad batch of something out there.


We were going to watch him grow up. We were going to teach him so many things.


Amelia: When he gets fussy like that, he's usually hungry.
Mr. Dickinson: We've raised one before.

Helm: You think she's part robot?
Mer: I can hear you.

It's a lot, right? It's just one of those days where being a doctor feels futile. We're in here saving lives, and out there, people are doing their damnedest to kill themselves.


You're an artist, and I think it didn't occur to me because you're a work of art. Physically, like a statue in Rome.


Dickinson: I can't even stand to look at you. It's the last thing I said to her before she disappeared. I can't even stand to look at you. Now, Tell us that she's going to be OK. I mean you're doctors. Tell us she's going to get through this.
Owen: I wish I could.

Grey's Anatomy Quotes

[walking by Izzie's room]
Meredith: Hot.
Sadie: Horny.

Sexual sorbet? Hahaha! I love it.
