Cristina: What have you got?
Steve: Um, diabetic ulcer.
Cristina: Down to the bone?
Steve: No.

Cristina: I'm done, finished, expired meat.
Meredith: You're freaking out a little bit.
Cristina: Well, you haven't been kicked off 2 services in one month. I couldn't get into an OR if I was bleeding half to death. You got anything good?
Meredith: I'm scrubbing in on an optic glioma later on with Derek. I've never seen one.

Izzie: What are you doing?
Cristina: Just making sure everything's running smoothly here. And... it is. Kudos.
Izzie: Oh, no, no, no, no. Ah uh! Oh, no! I am on Hunt's service. Anything that turns surgical down here is mine.
Cristina: You don't need the hours, you spent the last 6 months in the OR.
Izzie: Unconscious on a table. It does not count.

Lexie: Meredith, his neighbor said that he wasn't getting his mail.
Meredith: Ugh.
Thatcher: I heard that you got married on a sticker. That's great.
Cristina: We should go so you can have family time.
Lexie: No, I don't . I don't know what's wrong with him.
Meredith: Did you pick him up off the floor of a bar Lexie? That might be a clue.
Thatcher: Uh, I'm not. I haven't been drinking I just... (Thatcher throws up blood)
Cristina: Now that could be surgical.

He made amends, he's not drunk.


Cristina: Did I tell you how great your hair looks. It's all short and um, edgy.
Izzie: Why, you are really tweaking out. How long's it been since you've cut?
Cristina: Over a week.
Izzie: Ooh.

Owen: Stevens, I have something for you if you're interested.
Cristina: Well I'm interested.
Owen: An MBC came in a while back during his work up I found an abdominal sarcoma. Since then I've been following his recurrences, and uh, he came back today with his 3rd one. Wondered if you could scrub in? If you feel ready.
Cristina: I'm ready!
Owen: He's in pre-op.
Cristina: You know I need a surgery.
Owen: You know I don't play favorites. Please have been afraid to work with Stevens. Like she's gonna break or something. It's not right. She's a good surgeon, and she has a way with patients. And, a light touch.
Cristina: You want nice? I can be nice too. I can be nice to a dying husk.
Owen: Yeah, not a light touch.

Meredith: My dad's dead. At first I thought he was drunk, then he started puking blood. And, puking blood and disorientation usually means...
Derek: End stage liver failure.
Meredith: Which mean's he's probably dead by now. Or he needs a transplant, and I hope he's not a candidate. Because that means he'd be in the hospital for months.
Alex: Uh, Mer.
Meredith: He needs a transplant doesn't he?
Alex: Yeah.

Bailey: You've got end stage cirrhosis, and the only thing that can save your life is a transplant.
Lexie: How did it happen this fast?
Alex: He bathed it in Gin.
Lexie: Alex.
Thatcher: Your friends right. Except for the Gin. I was a scotch man. What's... what's the next step here? Can I get on a list?
Richard: Um, Thatcher, the transplant board has a rule here. An alcoholic has to be sober at least a year before he qualifies for a donor liver.
Thatcher: I'm only 90 days.
Lexie: I'll do it. I'll do it today. I'll go get tested right now.
Thatcher: Lexie.
Lexie: No, they just take a piece. My liver will regenerate.
Thatcher: I can't ask you to do something like that. It's major surgery.
Lexie: You're not asking. You're my dad. You want a kidney? I'll throw in one of those too.

Callie: Ok, one more time. You'll the Chief real cranky, and in a bad mood. And, I'll be Callie asking for her job back.
Arizona: You are Callie.
Callie: Right, so it works.
Arizona: You said that yesterday. And the day before that. And the day before, the day before that. So, are you gonna do this.
Callie: Hey, it is not easy to ask for your job back after you told your boss to go screw himself over this entire hospital. It's humiliating.
Arizona: So, you're not gonna do it.
Callie: What... what is the point? He already fired me once. He's not gonna hire me back now just because of the merger. Whatever. Maybe being a surgeons overrated. I could be doing lots of things. I could open a daycare. Babies are cute. Ew, that one just spit.
Arizona: Calliope Torres, I don't want you to have to move to Cleveland to be a surgeon.
Callie: Ok. I'm gonna do it. Later? I... I will come back later.
Arizona: (talks to the baby) My girlfriends moving to Cleveland. Yep. Yep.

Mark: Look at you coming in on your day off. Trying to get into the OR?
Lexie: Yeah, I'm gonna give my dad a piece of my liver. He has end stage liver disease. He needs my liver, so I'm giving him some. Go ahead Steve.
Mark: Woah, woah, woah. Wait a minute.
Lexie: What is your problem?
Mark: Well, my problem is you don't just jump into something like this without thinking about it. Take a couple of days. We'll talk.
Lexie: What is there to talk about?
Mark: It's major, life threatening surgery.
Lexie: Ok, my dad needs a transplant Mark.
Mark: I get that, but what you need to understand...
Lexie: No, I don't think you get it at all.
Mark: You know what I don't get. We're together, we live together, we need to decide these things together. You can't just go under the knife and leave me a note.
Lexie: Well, I, I would have paged you.
Mark: I'm your boyfriend Grey.
Lexie: He's my dad.
Steve: Ok, a little pinch.

Cristina: Hey, watchya lookin for?
Shadow Shepherd: Excuse me?
Cristina: Oh, I could help but notice you have no resident on your de-compressive laminectomy. Well, today's your lucky day. Cause I'm available.
Shadow Shepherd: Yang, right? I heard you were hardcore into cardio.
Cristina: I can be hardcore into anything you want.

Grey's Anatomy Quotes

[walking by Izzie's room]
Meredith: Hot.
Sadie: Horny.

Sexual sorbet? Hahaha! I love it.
