You're not nothing. We have a kid together. You're a mom. I'm a dad. I'm sorry.


She's gonna wake up. She has to wake up.


Yesterday at that baby shower, I was jealous of Callie because she got pregnant without trying. And we tried. I get shots, I take my temperature, I put my legs in the air, and nothing. The universe says screw you Meredith and gives Callie a kid and then puts Callie through a windshield. I mean what the hell is going on? What's the point?


She's one pound, one ounce of strong.


She can't open her eyes yet, but I can tell she's looking for you.


Jackson: Look, I am not the kind of guy that waits around for the girl who's still in love with someone else. I'm just not.
Lexie: Jackson, let's go home.

I'll marry you. Yes. Yes.


You know happens when you break the rules, Mer? You get a hundred thousand bucks.


Patient: Oh, don't pretend to be smart, you crooked, little bastard.
Alex: And don't pretend you're poor, you evil, old bitch.

You missed the good part, Dr. Robbins. She tried to bleed out, but I wouldn't let her.

Dr. Stark

Lexie: He solicited a patient for money.
Cristina: What are hooking now?
Alex: No my African kid thing.

If I do all of the logistical crap, I mean it's a project the hospital should fund, right?


Grey's Anatomy Quotes

[walking by Izzie's room]
Meredith: Hot.
Sadie: Horny.

Sexual sorbet? Hahaha! I love it.
