Owen: Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't... I didn't know you were here.
Cristina: No. Wait, wait. I... love... you.
Owen: I... I love you too
Cristina: No. Just... I love... you. I said... I said I love you! Me. Cristina Yang. What...You traumatized me.
Owen: You know that I am... I'm so sorry about that.
Cristina: Damn it. No, not about the choking. It's like you come here, and you pull our my icicle, and you make me love you, and I can't... I don't want to. I can't breathe... without you.
Owen: You can do this Cristina. We can do this. All you have to do is just meet me half way. All you have to do is say yes. All you have to do is say yes.

Arizona: Maybe I don't understand people, I don't see things. So, maybe I just don't get what's going on with you or why you're so mad. But, I do think it's awesome. I think that George joining the army is awesome.
Callie: Um, shut up.
Arizona: Um, No. You asked me who I was. I am a person who thinks that what George is doing is dangerous, and terrifying, and brave. He's going to serve his country. He's going to risk his life to save the men and women who make it possible for you and I to sleep safely in our beds. I'm a person who thinks that, that is brave. And I am a person who stood in an airplane hanger, and watched them unload my brother's body in a coffin. And, all we got was a flag. My brother died over there because there weren't enough doctors Callie. So, for my money, George O'Malley is a patriot. He's a hero, and I am grateful that he exists. So yeah, the word I use is awesome. That's who I am.
Callie: (grabs her hand) I'm sorry.

Meredith: How's she doing? Any better?
Cristina: No.
Meredith: Damn. Well, I'm going to city hall to go do the thing.
Cristina: Seriously? It doesn't seem like the day for it.
Meredith: Look at Alex. He's in there working so hard every day, and she doesn't know. And, if she stays like this she may never know how much he loves her. And that girl Amanda, she's in there loving a stranger. She thinks that's her prince charming. I mean, he's probably gonna die today. Chances are. So yeah, I'm gonna go get married, because I think it's important to take the time to tell the people you love how much you love them while they can hear you. I love you Cristina Yang. (smiles)
Cristina: You have changed.
Meredith: Mmmm... Maybe I have. What?
Cristina: I'm gonna hug you.

Amanda: Is he gonna be ok?
Meredith: We'll know more in the morning. Go ahead.

Cristina: She just had brain surgery, and an incredibly aggressive course of IL2. She needs rest.
Alex: She needs to exercise whatever memory she's got left before it all turns to mush.
Cristina: Well, she's not gonna heal with you barking orders at her like a cave man.
Alex: Butt out Yang.
Cristina: You know what, she's my patient. I don't care if you're her husband.
Alex: Look, she...
Cristina: You wanna see how fast I can get your visiting hours don't to zero?
Alex: She signed a DNR. She signed a frickin DNR and made me promise she'd come out of this with a life. Not in a hospital bed, not with no brain. I had to promise she'd have a life. You wanna know what happens if she can't make any new memories? Forget about being a doctor. She's gonna need round the clock baby sitters. We get an apartment together, she can't even find a way to the damn toilet. Tracker on her ankle incase, god forbid, she wanders out the front door!
Cristina: Alex, you can handle this. She will get better.
Alex: Maybe. Maybe not. It's on me. Her future is on me.

Izzie: (reads) Shepherd got your whole tumor. Oh my god, Alex, why didn't you tell me. Oh my god (alex points to "Your memory sucks!" ) Oh.
Alex: But, we're working on it. You remember what time you woke up this morning?
Izzie: Um, not exactly.
Alex; 7:45
Izzie: 7:45. O'Malley joined the army. What!
Alex: Yeah he's gonna be a trauma surgeon in Iraq. What time did you wake up?
Izzie: 7:45. He's gonna get killed.
Alex: Yeah, we're dealing with it.
Izzie: Did you know about this George thing?
Cristina: Yep, can and fodder. I'm just gonna take some more blood.
Alex: Last time we checked your potassium was 6.3. When did you wake up?
Izzie: Um, I'm... really I can't quite remember.
Alex: 7:45. 6.3. 7:45
Izzie: O'Malley joined the army? George?
Alex: We're dealing with it. What's your potassium?
Izzie: I...
Alex: Iz, what's your potassium?
Cristina: You know what, why don't we just give her the chart to read and try to memorize. Ok, I can talk to you about her hypokalemia.

Derek: How's the arm?
Mark: The nerves are still intact, I just have to reattach the vessels.
Callie: You ready for me?
Owen: Almost done with the major internal crush injuries, the pelvis will be all yours in a minute. Get me some more laps please.
Mark: You think you'd do it? Step in front of a bus for a perfect stranger?
Callie: We all like to think we would but...
Derek: It's more or less what major Hunt has been doing every day for the last couple of years.
Owen: No, guys did it. I just came in behind them with a dust pan and a broom and swept up.
Derek: You sewed up soldiers under fire. You didn't sweep up.
Owen: How do you think O'Malley's gonna do over there. You think he can handle it?
Callie: No, I don't.
Derek: i think he's gonna surprise us all.
Mark: I think he's coming back in a body bag.
Meredith: I think you all should just shut up! Just shut the hell up! Please, just shut up!

Arizona: Hey, I thought you were in surgery?
Callie: I'm on my way.
Arizona: Have you talked to Bailey about this peade's and tucker thing?
Callie: No, I've only talked to Bailey about the army thing and George.
Arizona: Are you upset with me?
Callie: Hah, no I'm awesome.
Arizona: Calliope.
Callie: No, do not. Do not Calliope me. Ok, you said it was awesome. George. Sweet, kind George, who can't even kill a fly is joining the army to go to Iraq in the middle of a war and you said awesome.
Arizona: It is, awesome.
Callie: No, it is not awesome. God, who are you?

Derek: You're gonna have a hard time saving that arm.
Mark: I can get it back to full function if I can get there in time. I'm thinking about buying a house.
Derek: Good for you. Meredith and I are gonna go to city hall this afternoon. (smiles) We're getting married.
Mark: Really?
Derek: Mmmm.
Mark: That's great news.
Derek: I know, and if I could just save Stevens...
Mark: And you're allowed to be happy. You're allowed to get married. You've earned that right. Congratulations you lucky bastard. Come here. Give me a hug. (they hug)
Meredith: Why is everyone hugging today?
Mark: Ah, the blushing bride. (Mer smiles)
Owen: Alright, here's the plan for our john doe. Shepherd, you evacuate the epidural. Grey and I'll correct the internal injuries, so that'll make room for Torres to place the internal fixator. Sloan, you should have enough time to work on the arm if the patient doesn't get too acidotic or hypothermic.
Meredith: Do you think he has a shot?
Owen: I've seen people come back from worse.

Bailey: Ah, not a good time.
Arizona: You know what, you walk away from me again I swear I will grab you by the hair and pull hard. I grew up with the name Arizona, I learned how to play dirty in the playground. I stuck my neck out for you, you were my pick.
Bailey: And I appreciate that, but it's a big decision.
Arizona: It's not, frankly. It's the brass ring. It's the most exclusive, the most competitive and we're as good as it gets. Nobody lands this thing and says no.
Bailey: My husband informed me that if I accept the peds fellowship, if I sign on for another 2 years of training, and the hours and the work load that come with it when I could be a general surgery attending, and make it home for dinner. He will divorce me. It's a big decision.

Meredith: Amanda, you can't be out here
Amanda: Would you wanna be all alone at a time like this? We had 30 seconds of interaction before he saved my life, and I wasn't even nice. I was standing on a corner when this ordinary looking guy stands next to me and smiles, and I'm so busy scoping for someone hotter that I don't even give him a second look. The next thing I know, he throws me out of the way of a bus I'm about to walk in front of, and almost gets himself killed. He literally, he swept me off my feet. That is my prince in that bed.
Meredith: Ok, you can stay until they take him to surgery.

Meredith: Hey there, I know this must be scary. But, if it's any consolation you're a hardcore hero. You saved that woman's life. (john doe grabs Mer's hand and tries to write something) Is he trying to write something? (tries to give him a pen) Can you hold this? (he's too weak. Mer grabs his hand) Ok, you'll be stronger tomorrow.
Owen: Call OR 1, tell them to get ready for him.
Meredith: Ok.

Grey's Anatomy Quotes

[walking by Izzie's room]
Meredith: Hot.
Sadie: Horny.

Sexual sorbet? Hahaha! I love it.
