Richard: What the hell is this? Oh this is not ok, I have a hospital to run. And Derek, what the hells the matter with you man? We've all been there.
Callie: We said that.
Richard: We've all had tough losses.
Owen: He knows that.
Richard: We show up the next day, and we try and save the next life.
Callie: Yeah we covered that too.
Richard: Ok, what about this? Nothing we do can stop death. We can hold it at bay every now and then, but everyone dies. And that's not on us.
Derek: I took a pregnant woman in for a simple surgery, and I botched it. That is on me. I should feel badly about that. And you, you should feel badly that while I was out here, you sent Meredith out here expecting a ring. Why would you do that? Why in gods name, would you do that?
Richard: I was trying to help. She didn't wanna come. She wanted to leave you out here alone, I was trying to help Derek.
Derek: You were trying to help yourself. Not me. Yourself! I hit the ring in the woods. In the woods. You destroyed me.

George: Hey buddy, you need to start talking, and you need to start talking now.
Intern: I really can't, talk to Steve.
George: Right guy, you need to start talking dude. Because, any second they're gonna start that face transplant surgery and then her good friend...
Meredith: My best friend.
George: Is gonna have her very first solo surgery, and so we have very little patience right now.
Intern: Look, it's not my place.
Meredith: Ok, you are gonna tell me everything thats going on. Or else, every time I have a rectal exam or an infected abscess is gonna have your name on it. Every time!
Intern: Megan was with Pierce, but they broke up for a little bit, and while they were broken up, she slept with Steve. Then she got back together with Pierce, but Steve sent her an email about how they slept together and instead of just emailing her, he hit reply all. It went to a whole bunch of people, one of them was Pierce. And, now Steve says he loves her, Pierce wants to kill him, Megan's like really freaking out right... because... oh... ok wait, so... A while back, someone sent this text message right, and like I didn't get it. I didn't get to see it. It just came, to certain peoples phone, you know...

Miranda: Ah, Chief?
Richard: Dr. Bailey.
Miranda: How's your mood?
Richard: Meager. Anxious. I'm excited about Sloan's face transplant. I'm a little concerned about Derek Shepherd, but all in all...
Miranda: Do I look like therapist?
Richard: You asked.
Miranda: I've lost Hunt and Torres. See, I sent them to get Shepherd and I never heard from them again. See, I was trying to solve the Shepherd situation for you, Sir, but, It appears I've somehow made it 3 times worse. So, I'm telling you and my next move I believe is that I'm gonna call the police. Because, I'm half convinced they're all dead, on a spit, with a one armed man turning them into shish kebabs. Sir. It's my mind. It just goes there.

Izzie: I'm not gonna be a piece of meat in this hospital while you all fight over who gets to slice me up and then laugh while you do it.
Cristina: Ok, this right here... this is an emotional thing you're having. Which is why you should tell Meredith, or George, or...
Izzie: I'm not telling anybody, so just drop it.
Cristina: No. You're not dumping this on me. You're not dying in my arms. So either you tell them, or I will.
Izzie: I don't even know if I want treatment Cristina. I know too much. I know how violent surgery can be. They're gonna cut into my brain, they're gonna slice open my abdomen, and pull my organs out. And for what? Surgery fails all the time. Derek Shepherd is in the freakin woods right now, because we fail all the time! And even if they do everything right, I have a 5% chance of survival. 5%. Why would I put myself through hell? Run poison through my veins, irradiate my brain, if it's not gonna work anyway?
Cristina: Why did you tell me then? If you don't want my help, and you're not gonna do anything about it... why did you tell me?
Izzie: Just keep your mouth shut, and forget I ever told you anything.
Cristina: Izzie!

Cristina: You blew it off?
Izzie: Cristina, please.
Cristina: I called every favor I had in this hospital, and then some. Swindler's is the best Oncological surgeon in the state. Why didn't you go?
Izzie: Why do you care so much?
Cristina: Why don't you? I'm working really hard on this, the least you could do is...
Izzie: They were calling the guy blow hole Cristina. Not just the interns, Alex. What are they gonna call me when I'm the patient? Swiss cheese for brains?
Cristina: No, that's awkward and long. Blow hole's pithy.

Owen: What I... what my point was, I kept, you know I... I went back. I showed up. I showed up for work, you know.
Derek: You get dead inside. You get dead inside because if you actually felt it. If you let yourself feel that. No way you're going back. No way.

Owen: I was a second year resident, NBC rolls in. Parents were in the front seat. Three kids in the back. Kids were okay, Mom and Dad were a little banged up but nothing terrible. They were talking, laughing in the ER. Turns out both parents had massive internal injuries. I operated on them both that night, hours. I lost them both. Now if I'd moved faster, if I'd rushed them to CT. If I'd known how bad off they were sooner... but I didn't. The eldest kid was 9. When I came out to tell them about their Dad, he was trying to console the 3 year old and the 5 year old about their Mother. I'll never get that image out of my head. This, this 9 year old boy trying to hold these two little ones. His arms just not big enough. I don't know how I came back the next day. I think part of me never did.
Derek: I'm surprised you didn't talk about Iraq.
Owen: I don't talk about Iraq.

Cristina: Iz, no we need to talk about it. You've been complaining about being really backed up, and I got you an appointment.
Alex: If you need an enema that bad, maybe you shouldn't have all these fries. (steals some of Izzie's fries)
Meredith: You really booked her an appointment for an enema?
Cristina: You can't just ay that you're all backed up and then just sit there Izzie. If you make the decision to get an enema, then you should get an enema.
Alex: I think that maybe you're the one that's backed up. Solo surgery panic? I tell you what, I'll scrub in with you and if you can't handle it, I'll take over.
Cristina: I, I don't, ok. You know what, I'm just saying enema's can be a serious business.
George: Ok, Izzie, enema's code for what?
Izzie: My enema, my business.
Cristina: Ah, 15 minutes!
Meredith: This is a really strange day.

Cristina: Hey, did you get my page? I got you the appointment. It's in like, 15 minutes. How amazing am I? It usually takes weeks to get in there. Ah, did you take a look at the research.
Izzie: Seriously. Can I just eat?
Cristina: No, I'm sorry you don't have time.
Alex: Time for what?
Izzie: There's... I... an enema.
Cristina: Ah, Izzie's enema.
Izzie: Yes, I was supposed to get an enema today, but I decided it can wait. How about we talk about something else?

Meredith: You are scaring the patients, and you're making this hospital look ridiculous, and you're making us look incompetent.
Intern: But we have...
George: That's not a good idea.
Meredith: Just stay away from each other. So much as a tear, or a glance in each others direction and it's over.
Intern: I...
Meredith: No, no, no. Don't talk while I'm talking.
George: It's not...
Meredith: Now just get out. Go. Not together.
(interns leave)
Meredith: Oh, that felt good.

Meredith: Whatever it is the two of you have going on, it stops now.
Intern: I didn't...
George: Oh, I don't think you should talk when she's talking.

Miranda: What in gods name is going on?
Meredith: It's a personal issue, and we are just trying to give them their privacy.
Miranda: Do you think for a second I wanted to get involved with your little intern dramas?
George: We were not this bad.
Miranda: Oh, getting married in Vegas. Shacking up with attendings, cutting LVAD wires. You don't have to like it, but you have to manage it.
Meredith: Oh, we've got it under control.
Intern: (runs down stairs crying) Wait, I love you Megan!

Grey's Anatomy Quotes

[walking by Izzie's room]
Meredith: Hot.
Sadie: Horny.

Sexual sorbet? Hahaha! I love it.
