Meredith: Hey, it's me, do you want a giant tumor?
Amelia: Why would I want that?
Meredith: It's the one from my wall that Derek drew. I thought you might like it. It's in the hall.
Amelia: Is she cleaning?
Maggie: At 3:30?

Our skulls cushion our brains. Our ribcage guards our hearts. the body is built to protect our most vulnerable parts. At least, that's how it's supposed to work.


Maggie: I'm still mad at you.
Meredith: That's okay.

I am very sorry that I screwed up and I hurt you, but you're my sister, and I sure as hell am not losing you over a guy.


I was wrong.


Don't you want to have old people sex, Catherine?


Bailey: Are you saying that I just think that I'm right?
April: No, I'm saying, I'm saying that you and Catherine Avery are very similar women. Very. Very.

Veronica: I'm so tired.
Amelia: I know. I know.

Meredith: Maggie, please. Can we please, please, please talk about this.
Maggie: You were all I had left.

Meredith: I was going to tell you and then your mother died and then I just couldn't. I didn't want to hurt you and Nathan didn't want to hurt you
Maggie: No, this isn't about Nathan, it's you. I trusted you, to be honest with me. When you and my mother lied to me and now she's dead.

Maggie: Did you join the mile high club? Is he a good kisser?
Alex: Maybe I should go.
Maggie: Why? You probably already know.

What is so mesmerizing that you can't do your...oh, are those worms?!


Grey's Anatomy Season 13 Quotes

April: Her name is Harriet.
Catherine: Harriet?
April: Um-hmm
Catherine: Oh, I like it. Tubman.
April: Exactly. Tubman, also The Spy, which is a very good book.

Richard: You drank too much. You screwed up, and now everything is crashing down around you.
Jo: Just go.
Richard: Well you came to the right guy because I have done it more than you ever will, and I can tell you from experience, with a little coffee and sunlight, the troubles will get smaller and the world will keep standing. I promise.