She's in Seattle and she doesn't call?


Teddy: This is so not me. I don't cry. Hormones are in control now, and I don't get pregnant by accident. I'm careful, but the man I love came to Germany, and it was so hard to resist, and I wasn't careful.
Maggie: Oh my God! Owen went to Germany.
Patient: Who's Owen?
Teddy: What exactly is your relationship to Owen?
Maggie: He's kind of living with my sister.
Teddy: Your sister?
Maggie Amelia Shepherd.

It's not anti-feminist to fight for him, but its anti-Amelia not to.

I feel like I'm drowning in testosterone


Meredith: If you ever cheat on my sister, I'll kill you. I don't care who it's with.
Jackson: Uh, OK.

Jackson: You sound like me. I don't sound like me. It's embarrassing. I'm embarrassed.
Maggie: Jackson, it's okay to change. Actually, you should. You're alive. It's okay to evolve. It's okay to search for a deeper meaning.
Jackson: I believe in something. I have no idea what, but it's pulsing through me. I want to take that leap. I do. I want to trust my gut and feel like something is going to catch me if I screw it up. I want to do what April and Matthew did. I want to trust it.
Maggie: April and Matthew got married.
Jackson: Yeah, and I'm saying I want to trust it.
Maggie: We're, we're out of milk.

Amelia: I have feelings.
Owen: I know. I know, and I apologize.
Amelia: No Owen, don't apologize. I'm saying I have feelings for you. I have feelings for you. Like pulse racing, chest pounding feelings, and I know that there is a lot of water under this particular bridge. And I would understand if you told me no. Like, Amelia, I can't go there again. I would understand, and, um, if you are in love with Teddy, and she's in love with you. I'm not going to fight her, but if I never told you I had feelings and you went chasing after Teddy because I wasn't clear, I wouldn't be able to forgive myself for that.
Owen: Teddy accused me of not being able to be alone.
Amelia: Today?
Owen: No, in Germany. I don't want her to be right.

Maggie: It's like you and Owen playing house. Like insta-family. You get a cup of soup, add some water, and bam, family. At least until...
Amelia: Until what?
Maggie: We need toilet paper.

Meredith: DeLuca, what are you doing here?
DeLuca: Whatever you want. Dr. Grey.
Jackson: Morning.
Meredith: Jackson, what? No. You're with Maggie.
Jackson: Yeah but it's just a dream so it doesn't count.

Meredith: What happened to the honeymoon? What happened to your face?
Alex: I forgot sunscreen.
Jo: And I want to save the world.

Tom: This display is pathetic; this alternate reality where you were some kind of victim in your marriage. You were a lot of things, Amelia Shepherd, but a victim is not one of them. An ass? Yes.
Amelia: Excuse me?
Tom: You were a giant ass to your husband. You treated him terribly. When I came to cut into your brain, I didn't realize you were married. That's how little you seemed to care.
Amelia: I had a tumor!
Tom: You and I had sex the day after you separated. It was dirty, filthy, hot sex. It was excellent, but it was not tumor sex. The tumor was gone.
Amelia: It was gratitude sex. It was thanks so much for not killing me sex.
Tom: It was thank God I'm not married to that Ginger anymore sex, and you know it.

Maggie: Dr. Altman.
Teddy: You're Dr. Pierce? Head of Cardio? What are you 19?
Maggie: No, I was 19 when I graduated medical school. I was 27 when they made me Head of Cardio. Are we both sharing our ages, or is it just me?

Grey's Anatomy Season 15 Quotes

Owen: Yes, I know addiction is a disease, but since when do its symptoms include lying and stealing to people trying to help you? It just all feels like an excuse to justify piss poor life decisions. Wait, where are you going?
Amelia: To Meredith's.
Owen: Why?
Amelia: I don't know, piss poor life decisions.

When people reach out a hand, you don't bite it. Trust me, I did it for years, and the only thing it accomplishes is that people stop reaching out.
