Nick: When did this guy hire you?
Angelina: Tonight.
Nick: How did he find you?
Angelina: Well, I killed the guy that he hired to kill Monroe then he gave the job to me.
Nick: You killed someone else tonight?
Angelina: Yeah he tried to rape me so he didn't leave me much of a choice.

Nick: Well, we're kind of important.
Juliette: I'm not going anywhere.

You know I may never remember who you were, but I'd like to get to know who you are.


Nick: What's wrong?
Juliette: Me.

Right now I'm not asking you as a Detective.


Excuse me? Is that what I think it is?


Actually, that was a paraphrase, I left out the bad language because I couldn't write that fast.


You did hear what I said about it being a trap right?


[To Nick] At least I know who you are.


When do I have time for a bed or breakfast?


Eddie: Well, I sniffed her out.
Nick: Good boy.

Wu: Oscar worthy performance De Niro.
Nick: Middle School Drama Club.

Grimm Quotes

Come on let's have a brew. And, by the way, you're paying for that window.


Why can't you look at her ass like the rest of us?
