Literally sucking a victim dry?


Hank: Pretty excited about being let go.
Nick: Oh yeah, I had to stop him from yodeling.

And now you know what I am.


What's my favorite color?


Nick: So what's your favorite color?
Eddie: Red.
Nick: I feel so much closer to you now.

You softie.


Renard: Rats dine on beloved teacher.
Nick: That's a little cold.
Hank: Guess who came to dinner.

I don't need you for what you know. I need your nose.


I know what it's like to have a guy disappear and not call you.


Eddie: Last time I protected someone for you, it was not a pleasant experience. How is that guy, by the way, were they able to sew his arm back on?
Nick: Uhm, I don't think he's going to be beating anybody up with is again.

Because she ties him here to Portland, to me, and if she dies he could quit the force, he could leave, and I have put too much time and effort into him to allow that to happen.


Mom: I'm sorry.
Nick: For what?
Mom: A lot of things on that list.

Grimm Quotes

Come on let's have a brew. And, by the way, you're paying for that window.


Why can't you look at her ass like the rest of us?
