Wu: Ummm… that looks like you were shot.
Monroe: More than once!
Wu: ...You’re not a ghost, are you?
Nick [hesitates]: I don't think so...

Trubel [they're surrounded by SWAT]: Let’s take ‘em on.
Monroe: Rosalee’s pregnant!
Rosalee: Monroe!
Monroe: Sorry.
Trubel: Whoah, you’re pregnant?
Bud: Right now?! Oh, my God, that’s wonderful!

Renard: You really think this is going to go anywhere?
Hank: *We* take *our* jobs seriously, Captain.

Renard: Adalind. I’ve been arrested for murder.
Adalind [flatly]: Really. Who’d you kill?

Monroe: So we just open up shop, act like nothing’s wrong?
Rosalee: Or keep it closed, act like we’re paranoid?
Monroe: Well, *aren’t* we?

Adalind: Never thought I’d see this.
Renard [resigned]: Well, enjoy it while you can.
Adalind: What do you want from me?
Renard: A little help.
Adalind: And what kind of help would that be?
Renard: Well, ironically, I don’t have an alibi for the night Rachel was killed.
Adalind: Where were you?
Renard: I was killing Bonaparte.
Adalind: Oh, well, that *is* awkward.

You expect me to be your alibi for a murder you didn’t commit because you were *actually* murdering the person who *was* your alibi?


If I shoot you, is that considered suicide?

Nick [as Renard]

What if one of her teachers give her a timeout? It could turn into a permanent timeout for the teacher!

Adalind [regarding Diana]

We should have killed Renard when we *didn’t* have the chance.


You don’t wanna go in there. ‘Cause you’re already in there. Might get a little awkward.


I tried to tell you… you chose the wrong side.


Grimm Quotes

Come on let's have a brew. And, by the way, you're paying for that window.


Why can't you look at her ass like the rest of us?
