Audrey: I've been, what, at least three other people in my life and one of them was in love with The Colorado Kid and he could be on the other side of that door and all I can think of is I should have worn better pants.
Duke: Audrey, you are officially a girl. But look, let's just pray that he doesn't have a unibrow.

Ya know, I am all for Audrey staying on vantage. But you don't want to scare the guy. So I'm just suggesting, start soft. You know, small talk. Colorado Avalanche. I don't, personally, but some people do.


I was Lucy. I could feel being Lucy. That's never happened to me before.


Claire: Try to connect:
Nathan: To that rabid angry man dog with a gun?

Hey Nate, explain to me the difference between killing a man and convincing him to walk up his own ass, because I'm confused.


Tell him, Arla. Tell him how many women you murdered to get that skin.


I'm sorry I won't remember you when I come back. Especially Colorado.


Jennifer: What? I'm not going anywhere with you. I just met you. And you're some kind of criminal.
Duke: Yes, I am a criminal. But, one with a heart of gold.

First, I need a paperclip. Second, I need my pants.


If I was going to ditch you, I would have done it before I had to flash an orderly my boobs.


Audrey going into that barn; that's what should have ended the troubles.


This would be weird even if we weren't meeting in a giant supernatural steam room.


Haven Quotes

The guy threw a manhole cover at me, okay? I'm just sayin'.


Nathan: You just punched me against the room!
Duke: Yes, that's true.