Audrey: Hey, I got a question for you. As my doctor, not as my cheerleader vampire slayer.
Claire: Hold on, changing hats. Okay.

She didn't go out the front door, because the front door? Is gone.


Audrey: What's with all these mirrors?
Duke: Rich people. They're narcissists.

So we can kiss again, right?


Claire: No costume?
Audrey? Me? Dress up as someone else? No. I feel like I do that every day of my life. I could have actually been a cheerleader at one...
Claire: I'm a vampire slayer.
Audrey: Sure, that's cool.

It amazes me how some men struggle with chivalry.


My people help the Troubled, and we do it any way we can.


Yeah, well now that I am a good man, I'm going to do about three years worth of back taxes.


Feminine ideal? More like a terminator made of plaster.


One good thing about the troubles. At least I got to meet Audrey Parker.


Audrey: Duke, you'll stay with me tonight.
Duke: I sleep in the raw.

Nathan: So we've got a peeping tom without eyeballs and a child abuser with broken bones, both found in locked rooms.
Duke: Parking tickets. Yeah. She attacked my car first, and then she went after the Grey Gull, which apparently is operating under a questionable liquor license.

Haven Quotes

The guy threw a manhole cover at me, okay? I'm just sayin'.


Nathan: You just punched me against the room!
Duke: Yes, that's true.