After we're done, you're going to be glad you watched me die.

Wake [to Grover]

Tani: I'm truly surprised that McGarrett hasn't shot you yet.
Danny: He's tried, inadvertently.

Danny: Did [Eric] completely mangle that?
Tani: I have no idea what he said.

Preaching to the choir, dude!

Tani [to Jerry]

I'm going to miss your wit.

Wake [to Grover]

McGarrett: We need your help with this case.
Alicia: Right now?

You won't be alone for long. The monsters will be here soon.

Marissa [to Lacey]

Junior: So you were kicked out of the police academy and then hired by Five-0?
Tani: Crazy, right?
Junior: Yeah, crazy.

Hawaii Five-0 Season 8 Episode 5 Quotes

Tani: I'm truly surprised that McGarrett hasn't shot you yet.
Danny: He's tried, inadvertently.

After we're done, you're going to be glad you watched me die.

Wake [to Grover]