Kid: Do you want us to keep it a secret?
Nick: We're okay with people knowing.

Well, when you don't figure out you're gay until your late 20s, you tend to miss out on those beautiful gay teenage experiences.

Mr. Farouk

[in French] Keep up with the rugby. Girls love rugby players. David always had lots of girlfriends when he was your age.


Nick: Are you… Wait, do you like the fact that I speak French?
Charlie: Oh… It's fine. It's cool.
Nick: Charlie! Mon amour.
Charlie: Oh my God, you're so cringe!
Nick: You don't look like you're cringing. You look like you're blushing.
Charlie: I am not!
Nick: Oh yeah? Sure?
Charlie: Leave me alone, you dick! Oh!

Tao: Hey. I'm Tao.
Charlie: Charlie.
Tao: Cool.
Charlie: Do you like Radiohead?
Tao: Yeah.
Charlie: Me too. Have you seen the Romeo + Juliet movie from the '90s?
Tao: It's one of my favorite movies, and it's got a Radiohead song on the credits. It makes me cry, like, every time.

I get it. I was a dick back then, but I was dealing with my own shit. Charlie didn't even give me a chance to figure myself out, and then you came along, and you stole him from me. Charlie really liked me before you got in his head. At least I was nice enough not to give him a hickey where everyone could see.


What are you two doing in there? How did you get that bruise on your neck? Oh my God! -You! I cannot believe it! The actual… We will be having words.


Nick: Well… you're a good-looking guy, if that's what you're worried about.
Tao: I thought you didn't even like me.
Nick: I do like you, Tao. You know, you're… you're funny, you're into weird indie films that, you know, I probably wouldn't understand. You know, you're… You care about your friends so… loudly. Without worrying what anyone else might think, and that's… Well, that's… that's really cool.

Ben: I haven't spoken to you properly in ages. How was your first day in Paris?
Imogen: Not interested in how my day was then?
Ben: Why are you in a mood with me?
Imogen: Because you're supposed to be my boyfriend! But instead, you've got some sort of obsession with Charlie.

Tara: How are things between you and Nick?
Charlie: Really good. Why? Does it look like we're not okay?
Tara: It looks like Nick is so in love with you. It's a bit unbearable to watch sometimes.
Charlie: I suppose I'm sort of… jealous of you and Darcy. You're out, and you can hold hands and kiss and… I really want that.

Charlie: But I bet you can't last two days without kissing me.
Nick: Is that a challenge I hear?

Darcy: Paris is basically like a five-day-long sleepover. You're gonna be so annoyed with me after that.
Tara: Aww. But I love you because of how annoying you are. I mean… Uh…I didn't mean that in an "I love you" way. That… That was just a casual "I love you." That's not me asking you to say it back or anything.