To Mr. Bohannon. He may be a son of a bitch, but he's our son of a bitch.

Mr. Toole

Choose hate. It's so much easier.

Reverend Cole

Proved you're a man. Now get your ass on out of here before I show them otherwise.

Cullen Bohannon

Sean: Do you not believe in a higher power?
Cullen: Yes, sir. I wear it on my hip.

God's got a funny way of teaching you things.

Cullen Bohannon

Blood will be spilled. Lives will be lost. Fortunes will be made. Men will be ruined.


This is my only friend.

Sean McGinnes

You come at me with a knife, son, you better be ready to use it.


Extortion doesn't become a lady.

Thomas Durant

There is a price attached to everything.

Cullen Bohannon

Is it a villain you want? I'll play the part.


I hate you more than you hate yourself.

The Swede

Hell on Wheels Quotes

Daniel: You released your slaves and still fought in the war. Why?
Cullen: Honor.

Sean: Do you not believe in a higher power?
Cullen: Yes, sir. I wear it on my hip.