Flint: This gonna give me my powers back?
Mohinder: It'll help track the changes your body is going through.
Flint: You really think I'm that kind of stupid, doc?
Mohinder: Honestly... yeah. I did

Good, we found out how to get your powers back! Now we just need to figure out how to get your brain back.


It hurts. I never thought I'd be able to hurt again. Uhh, it sucks. But it's wonderful.


Every town and city around the world has a place where the wise men gather. The Greek oracle of Delphi. The Library at Alexandria. The Hall of Justice.


The Haitian: The universe has decided our fate.
Nathan: Can the universe get me a phone?

Matt: Why don't you just let me inside? (tries to use his abilities)
Mr. Millbrook: Are you threatening me?
Matt: Uh, I said... let me in. (tries again to use his abilities)
Mr. Millbrook: Why are you turning your head sideways? What's your problem, son?

Elle: We can't take what we want anymore.
Sylar: Says who?

I'm the defensive player of the year.


Thompson: So, you never answered my question. Why do you hate The Company so much?
Meredith: Because they killed my baby girl. It was 14 years ago. They caught up with me in this little village off the Panhandle. Stormed in at night, it turned into a fire-fight, place went up like kindling. My little girl, Claire, she was killed in the fire.

(voice-over) A child is born to innocence. A child is drawn towards good. Why then do so many among us go so horribly wrong? What makes some walk the path of darkness while others choose the light? Is it will? Is it destiny? Can we ever hope to understand the force that shapes the soul? To fight evil, one must know evil; one must journey back through time and find that fork in the road, where heroes turn one way and villains turn another.


We're not missionaries. If they'd wanted us to bring him in, that would've been the assignment. It wasn't.


We created a monster, and set him loose in the world.


Heroes Quotes

You are not faster than me, nemesis.


Only together can we be the stewards of our own destiny.


Heroes Music

  Song Artist
Song Road to Joy Bright Eyes
Song Mustang Sally Wilson Pickett
Song I Want It That Way Backstreet Boys